Well as I've got a spare engine now I think I'm going to try and do an NA-T build on my spare, and attempt to make it look reasonably pretty along the way.
After doing my cam belt and getting my Ally rad and electric fans done I've really got a taste for playing with cars again. This kit is going to be done with 'cheap' parts, I know this is not a popular thing to do and I could well fall flat on my face but after talking to 3 different guy's on netty who run there cars on them I'm reasonably confident the cheap kits do work on Low boost if done correctly. We'll see:D
This won't be done quickly and I'm in no rush as I'm mainly doing it for the build 'fun' and not so much for the end result although it will be nice if I don't blow the engine up along the way.
If I do I'll sell the parts I've still got left and stick my original engine back in.
I'm going to run 6-7psi.
So here goes. This is my basic list to start with:
Turbo:D (T61)
Manifold (boostlogic)
Precision 46mm Wastegate
Down pipe
Mid pipe
Screamer pipe
Intake pipe
Oil feed line (-4AN)
Oil return line (-10AN)
Fittings for oil lines
Boost controller (turbosmart)
Dump Valve (got a second hand one for £40 on eBay)
Piggy back ECU(probably emanage)
Heat wrap
Intake Filter
Gauges (I dont like gauges to much so advice on what I need as a minimum would be good. I'm guessing EGT,AFR, Oil pressure and Boost)
Intercooler hard pipe fitting kit. (got a clearance stock kit for £50 on ebay)
OK as it started
Now I started to look into colours etc, think I'm going with Satin Black cam covers
And the intake is going to be Gunmetal
Throttle linkage all apart for spraying satin black
Slipped on into position just to see what I think, I'll whip the lower intakes off now and do them
And my hard pipe kit For £50, they sent me the wrong one but it looks better for what I need it for:D
Mocked it up a bit today, I like the colours etc so I'm going with this. A few blingy bits in the engine bay but not to much
I have done the lower cam covers but couldn't be bothered fitting these just for a mock up:")
Right after some advise I've sanded the seams of the 'Y' shape piece
But I'm not to sure, opinions please. It's hard to capture on the photo but although I haven't got the ugly seam it can be seen where I have sanded and attempted to fade it in.
Must admit it doesn't look as obvious when fitted though.