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Everything posted by nevins

  1. will save and re upload them now to make sure
  2. try refreshing the page they are working for me
  3. Here are some more and Cheeky monkey did not get away with it lol. http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70054&stc=1&d=1286199893 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70055&stc=1&d=1286199934 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70056&stc=1&d=1286199934 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70057&stc=1&d=1286199934 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70058&stc=1&d=1286199934 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70059&stc=1&d=1286200052 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70060&stc=1&d=1286200088 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70062&stc=1&d=1286200088 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70063&stc=1&d=1286200088
  4. Here are a few pics off one of the sxoc guys. http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70044&stc=1&d=1286199600 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70045&stc=1&d=1286199631 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70046&stc=1&d=1286199631 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70047&stc=1&d=1286199631 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70048&stc=1&d=1286199631 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70049&stc=1&d=1286199742 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70050&stc=1&d=1286199786 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70051&stc=1&d=1286199786 http://www.sxoc.com/vbb/attachment.php?attachmentid=70053&stc=1&d=1286199786
  5. Lol, that was a bit of a worrying seeing that wheel come off.
  6. bump for this will be could to see you all
  7. exactly my point, the chopped roof ford model b's with no arches and a huge v8 in them is the original styling, function over looks all day long for me.
  8. Guess who has just found a company producing ford model B GRP hot rod shells lol, and they are quite cheap too.
  9. Although saying that, if anyone has an 1927 austin 20 sat there let me know as that would be ideal.
  10. I have always wanted a rat car, but a rat rod. The only problem is that old british cars just dont have the right shape. Then importing yank parts aint going to be cheap.
  11. just find some subtle looking jets and fit them fella. you do need the jets for the mot.
  12. do you really need weight loss on a corsa though
  13. Well after yesterday, the events organisers for sxoc have asked if they can get an invite more often, they were amazed that they were not frowned on for being there like they have been in the past. Im sure that we could make the numbers easily if we had a good connection with a number of clubs.
  14. a rat rod is cool due to what it is, a hot rod which is function over appearance, it serves its job and thats it. when it comes to modern cars doing it, it just does not work.
  15. Exactly, the rat rods were made for racing to start with so it was the case of get any parts you can and build a hot rod, where as to day its a case of "lets trash my car, I'm cool"
  16. they remove the paint and let it rust!
  17. Thank you I am not the only one, there are a load of them in my area and I hate them, and now the "dub" scene are taking it to heart.
  18. Right then guys time for a debate on this subject. I am fed up off hearing idiots going on at how their car is "ratted" when truth be told its a rotten corsa with paint flaking and so on. In my eyes this is an insult to the original Rat rodders. Now a rat rod is a true legend in its own, hand built form parts and made to fit but still has the power and dare I say even the looks, they are amazing to look at and nose around and see how they have been built. So my question is what do you think on this I will add some pics below to validate my thoughts. http://motorcitytimes.com/mct/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/rat-rods-e1278893236695.jpg http://motorcitytimes.com/mct/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/1939-rat-rod-pickup-e1278893535378.jpg http://motorcitytimes.com/mct/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/BackToThe50s_2009_RatRods_1659_L_PARTPAL-e1278894147734.jpg http://motorcitytimes.com/mct/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/4778439151_da3ca4c71f-e1278894411774.jpg Now for the piss poor new age fashion. http://corsasport.co.uk/carimages/4995/rust_on_002.jpg http://rat-look.com/images/Vauxhall%20-%20Opel/Vauxhall_Corsa_B_Rat_Darcar.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs042.snc4/34443_1509796382610_1165350277_31502487_2891605_n.jpg What I see from this is that they are utter crap that are just a joke, but it's cool by all accounts.
  19. how it performed fella, it did not miss a beat and took everything you threw at it. The car done you well, and was great watching you use it today. This was proven by
  20. Lol, so you gave your car a good hiding then fella.
  21. Wil be pestering the photographer for the images asap guys.
  22. lol, you killed them admit it haha , and not a problem fella, its was a great day for all.
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