Has to be one of the most eventful yet tiring Christmas's ever. Went to bed around three am Christmas eve and dropped off to sleep at around four. Next thing I know, there is a phone call at half past four saying my sister has gone into labour. Needless to say I never went back to sleep. Arrived at my parents house at six o'clock, and waited for them to get home from hospital. Then found out she was still there .
Needless to say we spent all day waiting for a phone call with good news. Got the call at four o'clock to go down the hospital and then spent two hours in the waiting room. My brother in-law then sent a text to sam saying that " At six o'clock sharp Haydyn Lee was born all well and healthy weighing in at 8.6 lbs."
What a Christmas present to be told that I am a uncle and Godfather to this little guy. I am so pleased that he is healthy and my sister is in great shape and the happiest I have seen her.
I can not of asked for a better Christmas, and can not wait for them to be home tomorrow, and yes he will be brought up with the knowledge that the supra is a man's best friend. :):)