its all very well producing a killer budget but in the end of the day I bet it does not effect the people deciding it. They all have plenty of cash and are suited to their lives, but they don't think twice about the average person working their balls off to better their lives only to be kicked in the nuts at a later date. If you ask me if youj earn a good wage its yours to keep.
They tax us on buying a car , maintaining it, running it and insuring it. Next they will be bringing in a tax for sitting in it. I think its all a load of crap. Why should we have to deal with this, just for the poxy goverment to give all of THIS countries hard earnd cash away. The worst thing ever is to become part of the EU.
This country Great Britain, is great no more. The countries we owned the wealth has all gone. We are even going to loose the one thing that seperates us from everyone else. The euros coming and the pounds going as soon as that goes say farewell to great britain as we will only be britain and thats probably if the EU does not take that aswell.
Well thats my rant from what I see of it, so feel free to pick holes in it, as I couldn't care, I'm that fed up with this country.