330,000 and rising net immigration is far from fine, IMO. The country is going down the pan as it struggles to deal with the massage influx of people. Stagnant wages, lack of council homes, and the public services strained.
England has lost its identity and our culture seems to stand for nothing apart from: put others first or you're a bigot. Southampton has slowly changed into one of your generic shite hole cities on the outskirts of London. I'll be honest, its odd living in an area where I can walk the dog up the park, hit the gym afterwards, then stop at the shops on the way home and not hear a word of spoken English. I remember the area where I live now 11 years ago and it was very different.
I'm all for helping asylum seekers. We have created a crisis in the middle east and its our responsibility to help, but we have to reduce the amount of people entering the country from the EU.
All of the above aside, I'm seriously pondering on emigrating to Canada and getting out of here.