Right, feel a little silly,
I got pulled over on saturday night, whilst on a date by some friendly police who told me that their system showed the supe had NO MOT, I was then issued with a 'producer' to show my Drivers liscence, MOT cert, and Insurance documents at the local police station.
I returned home, and checked my MOT certificate, to find it had expired last weekend (7 days exactly). The reason I didn't remember this is that I have just moved house, and it was the last thing on my mind.
I will have the supe tested early this week and return to produce all relevant documents at the police station, including new MOT certificate.
So my question is if the police are likely to be leniant if I show that I have gone to get a new MOT straight away to rectify this and the fact I have just moved house, or if not, what is the likely outcome!!
If anyone has been in this situation then I would appreciate your input !
Many thanks