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Big Ian

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Everything posted by Big Ian

  1. it's now in another garage: http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/www/cars/TOYOTA+SUPRA/Ne-2-4-5-6-7-8-27-44-49-53-61-64-67-103-133-146-236,N-240-4294966983-4294967144/advert.action?R=200922335121886&distance=25&postcode=g82+2ba&channel=CARS&make=TOYOTA&model=SUPRA&min_pr=&max_pr=&max_mileage=&vehicleYearOfManufacture=1995&vehicleRegLetter=
  2. I swapped my mitsubishi galant VR4 for the supra, I got it from a guy from Kilmarnock who got it from someone from Edinburgh. I later done a deal with the guy's at the garage that had it for sale. it drove faultless I had just fitted new mintex pads, thermostat, drivers side gutter within the last few weeks of owning it...like I've said I'd probably still own it now if it were not for a family matter.
  3. WoW ... i was pretty gob-smacked to see them pic's i thought it had had a bit of a prang but didn't think it was as sore looking as it is in your picture's I'm Ian .. Liam's mate. i owned the Supra for a few month's drove "spot on" but the more i was working on it & cleaning it the more i was finding repair work, i knew absolutly nothing of it's history when i got it (swaped my old Galant VR4 for it) .. gotta say though i realy enjoyed driving it, it didn't show any sign's of being badly damaged out on the road. i only parted with it mainly down to needing a family sized car for a few month's or so or i would probably have had the driver's side repainted, but now ive seen the pic's and read what "Supraless" has to say about the car's miss-fortune i'm a little more at ease i let it go . when i owned it: http://www.cardomain.com/ride/3152469 ive had quite a few jap-performance car's but so far another Supra is at the top of my "i'll have one of them again" list .. hopefully fairly soon. i did hear the Supra got sold on just last saturday.
  4. spotted a couple of times in Helensburgh & Dumbarton... you on here?
  5. thank's for the tip's guy's, i'll order from one of the 2 suppliers mentioned above and once ive got everything i'll post up my end result's not a great pic but this was my wheel's after i done my weekly clean (yesterday) with fine wire wool and compound http://memimage.cardomain.com/ride_images/3/2610/4381/31524690068_large.jpg
  6. ive got OHLINS suspension on my N/A. i find it quite a comfy ride for being so low
  7. yeah .. there are other kit's on ebay that include the pig-tail and some have just the one grade of compound what compound would you recommend, it's mainly to shift the water mark's and try give a near mirror finish. thank's for your input
  8. Date Changed can we agree on Perth for this one guy's and aim for 10th May 2009 "venue within or very near to Perth to be arranged"
  9. yeah, i was going to use a drill, my rim's are not to bad .. since i removed the clear coat ive been cleaning them with fine wire wool and autosol and they clean up well, just some areas still have light stain's/water mark's and to help add to the overall finish before i re-clear them i thought one of these kit's might help and save a little time? ive seen 4" kit's for sale to thank's
  10. OK apart from the up-N coming Scottish BIG meet i'm still up for meeting local-ish with other's, no harm putting more face's to name's 29th March at the above mentioned location (we can arrange a drive nearer the time) 1.. Ian 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9.. 10.
  11. any good, anyone used these type's of kit's? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=270323755987 i'm just looking for something to assist with cleaning up the polished rim on my alloy's, ive already stripped the clear coat of the rims (it was peeling)
  12. ahh but just think of all them purse's holding cash for the TT conversion
  13. i'll not say anything about Willie's 1.3 polo .. well apart from he got home before you anyway, where did you go last night? we all headed to McD's any taker's on the red Supra with the white Graphic's?
  14. yeah true, but i don't see it happening any sooner than March
  15. nothing confusing about it , get folk in there own area involved with meeting each other then that way for a big meet we are not all total stranger's
  16. following on from some of this thread: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?p=2293837#post2293837 how are folk in the west fixed for a meet on Sunday 29th March i was also thinking of meeting at a crackin cafe between Beith & Dalry on the road through to irvine called Graze Graze 1-5 Crossroads Dalry Ayrshire KA24 4JF http://www.accessplace.com/moreinfo.htm and if the weather was decent we could take a trip to Largs via Saltcoat's, then back toward's the M8 via Greenock?
  17. can someone from east, central & north areas start a fresh post for each area, i'll go and start a west one
  18. i think to help "kick start" the one big Scottish meet we should hold local-ish meet's (west, north, central & east) so more local folk get to know each other and can have a open freindly natter about date's etc what d'ya think?
  19. hehe .. is my age showing that much! nah nothing to do with age (there were deffo folk older than me there ) just more to do with me being slightly un-intresed in a certain style of "modding" than i used to be... to much plastic on show! the only real "modded" car's there were the one's you'd expect to see and funny enough they all come from Japan look out for pic's being posted, Fraser (DAT-inter) had his camera and he can take a good picture still not had anyone own up to the red kitted Supra with the white "stack" down the door's
  20. you just narrowed it down to about half the Feistas that were there! think from now on i'll stick to big show's and club meet's
  21. apart from my silver, my Liam's red and Fraser's Silver Supra's there was one other red supra with some white graphic's down the door .. are you on here
  22. Liam if you need a hand or if you just want me hangin about to help put you off ... give me a TxT when your at Alan's PS .. you deffo going tomorrow night?
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