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Everything posted by blackdrift

  1. Humm well maybe I am mistaken but haven't seen a good one sell for that in ages specially in black, any kinks to some cheaper ones?
  2. Humm cheers guys have been thinking about this alot and am thinking that I just can't spend 11000 on a car so converting would be the option. So apart from the phisical bolting in of the new lump I assume the standard flywheel is ok but tt cluch is needed, also the fittment of a fmic and complete new tt wiring loom /ecu is the STD diff ok to use? And the prop will go in ok and is the same length? And are the tt brakes and suspention much different?
  3. yer very true dont see many black tt's around these days for sale
  4. came along side me (black supe) in the pissing rain
  5. ha ha ha yer would be nice unfortunately she has her eyes set on a mini, yer was thinking that bobski but car lacks the 6th gear on a motorway anyway with a tt would be driveing between petrol stations all be it very quickly lol
  6. curently a manual would only go for a manual 6speed conversion!! assume N/A prop would fit?
  7. how much for all thing required for tt conversion (engine, box, loom and all the shite that makes it tick)?
  8. thanks bobski, its not that i have spent a lot on it its just my fav colour (black) which is getting rare now, would love to convert but will depend how much has to be changed, mainly due to spare time as apposed to technical know how.
  9. ok here goes nothing. . . . . . . . . For a while now have been toying the idea of selling the supra and in a 350z (dont hate me) ,but after thinking about it over and over and taking a drive to bournemouth in it today only to get a friendly wave from a fellow supe owner have decided to stick with it. Now for the tricky part, i need more power!!! currently own a lovely black N/A which i love to bits but is a bit slugish for me now. So now the decision to convert to tt or sell up and but a tt. To cut an allready long story short what are the differences beetween the N/A's and the tt's? I assume the obvious things like springs, shock's, Brake's and the active spoiler, tcs and are not installed. Would like it to be as close to a original tt as poss if thats realistic or do i bite the bullet and go for it?? any input welcome guys specialy if you have done the conversion. sorry for going on and for the spelling lol carl
  10. its not the standard toyota black then?
  11. i have exactly what you are after, would sell for the rite price i suppose lol
  12. yer i know what you mean have agreed value on mine of £3500 so am tryin to play them off against these other quotes to get it down to atleast 600
  13. interesting prices, a lot of arguing has got it to £590 third party fire and theft. not to bad but like to see less
  14. After either a set of lowering springs or coilovers for an n/a if any one has some??
  15. lol yer sorry did mean £1000 only a couple of quid difference from last year insurance is such a joke!
  16. tell me about it, friend on here rang up a certain company and they replyed he was to young, (21 with a tt) to even be insured! so a few rude phone calls and a strongly worded e-mail later he recived a phone call from the mannager saying there must of been a mistake! and offered him £747 third party.
  17. see now why so high for mine? lol sky quoted me silly to but are looking into it.
  18. Rite, that dreded time of year has come around again to re-new, and adrian flux started with a re-newal of 10000 third party fire and theft!!! Cheapest so far on my standard n/a £633 but still looking. Am 22 with 5 years no clames and a clean licence, just wanted an idea what you guys getting charged? Cheers Carl
  19. water in the plug gully can make it miss, was what happened to mine
  20. umm sorry to be a pain but..... anyone? oh and membership is being sorted lol
  21. um if it was near the car park could of been me as i am workin opposite in the hospital?
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