ok here goes nothing. . . . . . . . .
For a while now have been toying the idea of selling the supra and in a 350z (dont hate me) ,but after thinking about it over and over and taking a drive to bournemouth in it today only to get a friendly wave from a fellow supe owner have decided to stick with it.
Now for the tricky part, i need more power!!! currently own a lovely black N/A which i love to bits but is a bit slugish for me now. So now the decision to convert to tt or sell up and but a tt.
To cut an allready long story short what are the differences beetween the N/A's and the tt's? I assume the obvious things like springs, shock's, Brake's and the active spoiler, tcs and are not installed.
Would like it to be as close to a original tt as poss if thats realistic or do i bite the bullet and go for it??
any input welcome guys specialy if you have done the conversion.
sorry for going on and for the spelling lol