532 -
extendor's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
Looks like your front driveway will be a scrappers again. I wonder what the neighbours will have to say about it!!!!!!!!
similis matris similis filia
Maybe at the right price. Got two for Torquay.
Was the pain in the jaw joint or in the jaw itself. Maybe the infection has spread a lot more than she thought and its the pressure on the joint it into pain you are feeling.
There are very few companies out there wanting to pay loads of royalties to develop an unknown product, buy all the tooling and control the manufacture of the parts, put it through all the mandatory testing (lots of), then design and develop the packaging, distribute, advertise/market and then deal with all the end of life directives etc etc. It is not easy to sell an idea and live off the royalties. It has to be an absolutely fantastic idea that identifies and solves a very well defined need for a significant number of people. May I also add that a patent may be worthless unless you have enough money to enforce it. If you almost bankrupt yourself getting the patent what use is it if you cant stop the copiers. In our legal system you have to chase the other party and that costs money - lots. Any lawyer will only give you odds of 50% because it depends on the Judges interpretation of the evidense and being human they also get it wrong. Dont let this put you off. All I am trying to do is tell the full story. Make sure you go into it with eyes open and speak to a professional as early as possible and ask all the difficult questions at day one. eg. 1. How successful is the professional offering advise. 2. How much will it cost me to define the idea and protect it 3. What routes can I take to demonstrate the idea to an interested party and how much will each cost. In return they should ask you. 4. Can you afford to lose the money you will speculate. Chris
Is this you -http://www.productsuk.com We get loads of inventors coming to us every year. Each and every single one of them has the best invention in the world. After we have done a prior art search, market search and a feasibility study 90% are scrapped. The remaining 10% usually outstrip the inventors ability to pay for them. On a rare occassion you get an invention which has novelty, has a market and can be manufactured economically and will create profit for everyone else involved. They get developed. An inventor is almost certainly going to need someone to take the product into the market (unless they CAN do it themselves) and that is where the big money is spent. There are an enormous amount of costs in promoting a product (advertising, distribution, replenishment and brand presense) which have to be considered. Now imagine you are a one product company with no history, no marketing and no distribution and no presense on the shelves - what will encourage B+Q (for example) to take on that product and give it premium shelf space (usually end of aisle) so you can make a few quid. Normally nothing. The inventor has to then consider adding a distributor in the chain and they will also want their cut as well. My advise is before you start planning your retirement on the beach under the palm trees you need to put in an awful lot of research and time and then sit back and take a long hard look at how much it will cost, what your risks are and what your likely chance of success is based on your ability and resources (time and money).
Well done mate. That looked like a great car.
Lets hope you feel the same if someone takes a key to the side of your car. Should be about the same level of damege as to the 106 or would that not be funny.
Excellent. Much better than this one. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.modelboatmayhem.co.uk/images/jaws%2520boat_small.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.modelboatmayhem.co.uk/Modellers.htm&usg=__DH-vSVGoeGw61kbkRoWALZBwht8=&h=89&w=128&sz=4&hl=en&start=137&um=1&tbnid=NKBs7x5QHytYNM:&tbnh=63&tbnw=91&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djaws%2Bsinking%2Borca%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D120%26um%3D1 scroll down about 80% to click the bigger picture.
Either of the above but they are not quite right. There are some great intro sites especially the Patent Office but you must remember not to disclose the idea unless under a confidentiality agreement. http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ http://www.ipo.gov.uk/types/patent/p-about/p-advice/p-advice-inventor.htm Do some more research and then speak to an Intellectual Property professional such as a Patent Agent or Attorney. You can check out European (UK) patents online for free http://ep.espacenet.com/?locale=en_EP TBH - unless you have a superb idea you should reckon on spending a lot of money before you get anywhere close to seeing someone who would take the idea up or invest in it. I have been designing products for a living for twenty five years and there are very few people out there that make it rich and lots of people who will put their hand in your pocket along the way. I have also got many patents. PM me if you want some good contacts.
When I was a kid, at the end of our road were some retirement bungalows that were owned by the Steel works and were rented out at very low rents for ex steel workers and those who had been injured in the works. (Dont forget in those days business often cared a lot about other people). In one of the bungalows was an old guy who had one of those three wheel carriages. That poor bugger was always having to come out and find his carriage on its side or failing that just turned around in his drive so the door was up against the wall. Not at all funny and it made his life a complete misery. I would go as far s to say that with 100% certainty the Dads of the lads who did it had worked with the bloke in the works. If they had seen their lads doing that they would have given them a good slap.
Was born and bred in South Yorks. Thank God I had the brains to get out as soon as I hit eighteen. This sort of thing used to happen thirty years ago when the steel works and pits were closing. As soon as you get an economic downturn the mindset of some of the residents in SY drops a notch and they do this for a laugh. Some great laugh that was for the owner I bet. How can they not see how their actions affect other people. In fact the people who are their neighbours and friends more often than not. IMO more than likely to be bored, disaffected youths who probably feel no hope in themselves and their environment. As I said earlier in the post - symtomatic of SY whenever the economy gets a hit as it leaves the youth with nothing.
Where are her own family in all of this. Probably just left her on her own.
What, like this or do you want worse? Turns out he didn't die of a heart attack, it was food poisoning from eating an 8 year old sausage
My thought exactly. We have accounts with the larger RP bureaus in the UK so if you are cheaper it would be worth having a chat. Always on the look out to save a bit of dosh on jobs.