Well, just for fun - I am still out of a job, with absolutely no options on the horizon. Have applied for a good 25 positions or so, receiving about four replies, all of which were negative.
Even looked at joining the Metropolitan Police, only to be told (unofficially and off the record, in their words) that I'd have to join an eight MONTH waiting list to get on the training programme - because I'm a straight, white English man.
If any of those adjectives were not true (ie if I were gay, or non-white, or not English by descent), I could be drafted straight in to the training programme, which is eight months long itself. So telling the truth means I'd have to wait 16 months before being offered the chance to being a fully fledged bobby.
Says something about the state of the country when even the police forces, who are supposedly crying out for new blood, are selective about who they can immediately take on.
A mate has offered a "lifeline" into property management for the firm he works at, but it would mean a massive drop in salary and it is dependent on his superiors deeming me enough potential to warrant an interview. It would be a backward step but one I'm willing to take if it means the chance to take two steps forward in a relatively recession-proof profession.
Disclaimer: this is not intended as a racist, homophobic or ethnic slur, neither should it be viewed as such - merely wish to highlight my frustration at being out of work and the hurdles faced by the unemployed when trying to find gainful employment. I would appreciate if any moderators could read through and see if any of this post could be regarded as inflammatory, risky, or slanderous so I can edit/remove as necessary.
Rant over.