Im Dyslexic and i had an accesment at 9 years old, at the same time i had an IQ test which stated i had an IQ higher then Instien (not sure how you spell it). problem was my school didnt reconise it, i never wanted any special treatment for it but it would of been nice not to be made to stand up and spell a word over and over again just because i couldnt spell it right. when i went on to secondary school they treated me like a 4 year old, making me spell words like cat, sat, mat, train, brain at the age of 15. i was really insulted. i ended up buncking my one to one because of this and in the end took all my tests and course work like everyone else and i did fine. teachers did say though i was very creative and good with numbers which is common with Dyslexia. i then went and worked in a special need school and there they had the right stratagy with tackling dyslexia. i must admit the education system has improved over the last 5 years in reconising and dealing with it but there is still much improvement needed.
EDIT: just to fill you in a little more its the larger form of dyslexia i have, spelling age is 8 years behind and reading age is about right. also sorry for the spelling mistakes in this post, im sure theres many