As the title states, coming up to the end of the year how did it go you all?
For me i am actually happy its coming to an end, this year has been the worst i could remember, family jealous because of my mums, sisters and my success, so they decided to act like morons.
Had my heart broken three times by three different women, first one used me as a re-bound to get her ex's attention and then she ran off with him:(, the 2nd took money and ran off without a care[ANGRY][/ANGRY], and the third girl, one minute we were texting and talking every day having fun, the next she decides to give her ex another go and felt i was coming on to strong [sAD][/sAD](maybe it was my fault)
One girl really liked me and i made the mistake of just letting her go, which i will never do again when i get another chance, lost my supra in a crash which i am still mad about.
had some good things tho:p, holiday for a week in portugal, photo shoot with some babes, a new black supra to install all the stuff from the wrecked one, still got my friends, its just the bad outway the good this year and it sucks, HERE'S TO 2011!!!