I'm abit ticked off with GM Honda, whom i bought the Supe from. Picked her up last tuesday and i was all smiles until i got home and noticed that there was no tax disc with the car (this had been promised to be sorted before i picked the car up).
Several phone calls later to the person that dealt with the sale and she says that it has been taxed and she will forward the disc on to me asap.
A week later and a call to the DVLA, they tell me that the car has been taxed and the disc was issued before i picked up the car.
New call to GM Honda yesterday asking what was being done about this, since the let me drive off the forecourt illegally and the car is just sitting in my garage unable to be used. I was told "the woman who deals with tax and your car is on holiday for a couple of weeks, there is nothing we can do, but i'll ask around and see if we have got it". The phone call i was expecting never comes.
This is my problem, I am not willing to use the car without tax and take a hefty fine, and GM Honda have made it pretty clear they arent going to do anything for 2 weeks. From what i've read I believe that they are failing under the sale of goods act for misrepresenting the car - being taxed when it has no disc and then selling it to me despite being told it would be done.
What do I do?
Trading standards?
Demand my money back and have them transport it back
Demand my expenses back as well since i put £72 worth of petrol in her to get home.
Any ideas where i stand guys?
Cheers in advance