Hi hope you guys can help i have owned my Supra for a year now and love Roxy to bits but just recently I am having a very strange problem as soon as i put any heat on to demist the window's I get a very strange milky fog instantly onto my windscreen and then I can't see a thing not good in these cold month's.
What ever I try on the heater controls settings I cannot demist my windscreen and now the weather's getting colder all my window's are completely misted up in second's.
I have tried blowing cold air onto them with no heat and after a couple of wipe's while driving I have half a windscreen that I can see out of ,this is with using the blower on full blast and no heating at all as you can imagine i'm wearing a bloody big coat [GRIN].
Some pics of Roxy help put a smile back on my face
Cheer's Carl