Hi guy's and girl's
I have for sale my Alpine head unit as I'am upgrading to a double din unit
I have alway's had JVC head unit's fitted to all my cars but this sound,s in another league superb sounding bit of kit;)
I'LL even throw in the carbon dash double draw unit in the photo so no big hole in your dash:)
£60.00 + p+p NOW SOLD
ALPINE CDA-9847R Specifications
MP3/WMA Decoder/Playback
CD-R / CD-RW Compatibility
Zero Data Mute (0 bit Mute)
MP3 Text Information Display (ID3 Tag)
Regulated 1-bit DAC
CD Text Display and Scroll
Disc Title Memory (18 titles / 16 letters)
[CD Connectivity]
Ready for iPod
Versatile Ai Link
Vehicle Display Interface
OEM Steering Remote Control Ready
[CD Power Specifications]
2V Performance Voltage Pre Out
3 PreOuts
45W x 4 High Power Amplifier
[CD Display Performance]
Dual Illumination (for other buttons in (Red/Green)
Quad Illumination (for 4 buttons in Blue/Green/Amber/Red)
14seg x 12 LCD-Display
[CD Audio Processing]
Treble Center Frequency Control
Bass Width Adjustment
Bass Center Frequency Control
Subwoofer Level Control
Bass Engine
[CD Other Higlights]
ISO Connector Ready
Rotary Encoder Volume Control
Max Tune Tuner
Cheer's Tigger