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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Frank Bullitt

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Frank Bullitt last won the day on December 8 2021

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  1. VAT shouldn’t need to be paid again if it is an ex UK car.
  2. As above, looking for someone resize an image for me please.
  3. It was and a refreshing change to the fear factory nonsense we are getting bombarded with via the usual sources. It’s nice to see the info on natural vs vaccine immunity coming through too. Hopefully this will be a better year than last year and people can get back to a normal life sans Covid. Positive news and a great example.
  4. Nice to see you enter a conversation with an open mind and being respectful towards others. If you can’t control your disdain maybe this isn’t the thread for you.
  5. A news channel that can’t do contentious news These guys were around in the 70’s and 80’s WTF happened. Did the world go soft? Miners strikes, a Yorkshire Police force that was insanely brutal, IRA bombings were just the tip. Re the dressing up of dogs question. I would say it all depends of how the dog identifies. Owners really shouldn’t presume
  6. 100% I didn’t know they had a habit of this type of behaviour. Pretty childish deleting a poll just because you don’t like the outcome.
  7. Not sure it’s about a stake in any game and not sure what game you think they might be playing. But the question still remains unanswered. Why delete it? The only thing I can think of is that they didn't like the result so thew their toys out of the pram and hoped on one would notice. Can you think of any other logical reason for doing something like that?
  8. Okay, i’ll have a look tonight. I have used these guys for past projects when I needed cast iron welding done - https://www.castironwelding.co.uk they might be able to help you with that piece even though it is ali.
  9. Ooft w@nkers! I’m fairly certain I still have my old valve so you are more than welcome to that if I have it. I may have a new filter too, just not sure where. There was nothing wrong with it, I just swapped it out as it had been redesigned at some point. I can’t help you with the cast piece unfortunately but a decent foundry up north might be able to fix it if you have no joy in sourcing a replacement.
  10. I think I still have my old one in a box in the loft if you want it? Did you know they changed the design?
  11. You mean the VVT-I Oil Control Valve (15330-46010)
  12. That is what I was asking you, I know your stance but wondered what you thought about them running the poll then deleting it after the results were in. It’s very strange for sure, akin to throwing your toys out of the pram?
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