i asked why my premiums go up even though my no claims is faultless and it's simply because and i quote "we had to pay out a lot last year".. The usual story in this country.. we pay out for other peoples f**k ups!!!!
It is on classic with 5000 miles, i also had 5000 on my old policy, as i use my van most of the time, think i'm averaging around 4000. It doesn't have to be garaged, i park it (covered) on my drive.. had license 5 yrs now (previously only bike) 5yrs No claims, 3 points!
Now i've hit the milestone 5 years NCB, and now over 30(just) and with 3 years sports car driving experience, premiums finally down enough to get the TT conversion!!
The only reason i went for n/a was to keep the insurance affordable, because i only had 2yrs driving experience, and that was in a hilux (which apparently makes a difference), so insurance was a killer to start paid £1300 1st year, £800 2nd and 500 last year now down to 300 i want to get the conversion done end of August this year..