I can appreciate how far you guys have to travel to most meets Marc, and I'm not denying that's a good reason in itself, but...
I don't see why a good mkiv meet wasn't allowed to go ahead the week before for those that wished to attend. Why are we tacking our end of summer meet onto someone else's? I'd rather have gone to the car park meet tbh, better for photos, better places to eat etc, could have gone bowling again, got a bit group activity on the go.
I've never been to crail but I imagine this meet will be us parking in some shoddy carpark, standing in the middle of nowhere watching a load of amateurs skid round a cruddy track. I'm sure it would be great fun if I was drifting (or trying anyway) my own car, but I'm not and none of you guys are either are you? and I don't know any of them.
Banter I'm sure but its hardly an 'event'.