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Soop Dogg

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Everything posted by Soop Dogg

  1. Good post Ernie. Can't add anything to what you've just said.
  2. Agreed Jurgen. Not the time of year to lose anyone. (Not that there IS a time to lose anyone.) Wonderful service. Calum and Georges sister did well to stay composed. My thoughts are with his family.
  3. Lol!! Only one problem I see with this joke. How come there was a sports car in a Jaguar showroom?
  4. What's the Liverpool title then? Liverpool??
  5. You'll have a certain person on this board getting all upset at you in a minute!
  6. Might as well close the business when this gets on the local news! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/devon/4484212.stm
  7. At the out-laws for Christmas, but we're off to New York for my 40th and the New Year. Can't wait!
  8. Check the alignment of the pulleys before you have it fitted. There have been a few stories of the crank pulley 'outer' section coming detached from the rubberon which it sits and starting to move forwards and out of alignment with the other pulleys. Well worth checking this first as it would shred your new belt very quickly after fitting it.
  9. Rear passenger side is also where the Fuel Pump ECU is located. Can't think why it would start ticking but it sounds as though it might have some sort of an involvement? Just a thought.
  10. Such a thoroughly good bloke too. I didn't even know that things had gone so down hill for him. It's a sad weekend. RIP. :thumbdown
  11. We are all aware, aren't we that the problems leading DIRECTLY to Best's death were caused by the anit-rejection drugs given to him to stop his body rejecting the donor organ? Not by his return to drinking. Not that this excuses his failure to stay off the bottle in any way. Just seems that some people are directly linking this fatal episode of illness to the drink. Oh, and KaoriFan - please don't lecture me on History. What I meant was that Hitler created a particular instance of genocide on a massive scale. You didn't really think I was attributing the creation of genocide itself to Hitler, did you??
  12. Oh yeah, that's the sort of logic we need. You can't compare Best to someone who created genocide on such a massive scale just because he drank himself to such a state and didn't look after his health!
  13. No, read what I said: That does not mean that he didn't try to do any good. What language would you like me to spell it out in? He participated in the running of local kids football matches in my town in the mid 70's. (Kids from both sides of the 'divide') What more inspriation can kids have than for their hero to turn up at their footy match? Maybe he could've done more, but that's not an accusation you can level at George Best alone. Many, many people are guilty of this. May I refer you to my previous answer. He at least tried to make a contribution. I lived there until I left home to go to work in England. I am the only member of my family living outside Northern Ireland. But even I wouldn't DARE to come out with that! Big frickin' deal - you have a few relatives on each side of the border and you think you can understand the history of conflict in Ireland? I dare you to announce that to the people on here who still live in Northern Ireland and see the sort of reception you get! Perhaps you should take this opportunity to explain to me just how "catholic and protestant people get on and the history behind it all"? No? Thought not. Isn't this what I've said too???? Let me reiterate, then: I was simply saying that some of the comments being made here were undignified and that the man did SOME good things in his life too and SOME people will always have at least SOME respect for him. You can't change the past, JB. This seems to me to be the only point on which we really disagree with regards to George Best. But then I was there, and I know what I know. You cannot tell me different. To try to do so only serves to highlight that you simply do not want to believe a different viewpoint and to show yourself as blinkered. You weren't there, but shockingly, you know best. (pun intended)
  14. Worng again JB. You asked "How does that help anybody?" I told you how he helped. He got kids from both sides of the community to interact at a time when the 'Peace Lines' were being put up around Belfast to separate opposing communities. This is how he helped. In the 30 years since then, the government and charitable groups have spent millions on getting kids together in cross-community projects with varying degrees of success.Having answered your question, you now apparently want him to have solved the entire problems of Northern Ireland. Sorry, but whatever he did, it seems you will simply demand that he did more. He did what he did and some of it helped (maybe even only in a small way)people in an environment that I hope you never have to experience. And it WASN'T just people who liked football as you suggest whose spirits he lifted in those times. Most people in N. Ireland were drawn to him then whether they were football fanatics or had never watched a game in their lives. Best 'belonged' to the people of Belfast back then. He was someone they identified with as being 'theirs'. Alex Higgins was treated the same, as was (to a similar degree but courted a little more controversy), Barry McGuigan. Unfortunately Alex Higgins went the same way as George Best with the bottle and is a bit of a wreck these days too. All I was wanting to say is that George wasn't ALL bad. I can't count the times I referred to him as a waster and an idiot. But when you met him or saw him on interviews, you really couldn't help but like the man. He had a way about him that kind of made you forgive his idiocy with the drink. Now when the chips are down and it looks like he's about to die, he's as human as the rest of us. To say that he should "hurry up and die" is wrong to say about someone just because they lived their life in this way. I've agreed with the principles of most of what everyone here is saying against him. But to say this about him in this way is cruel. Not only don't you afford the man himself any dignity, you afford yourself no dignity either. My thoughts are simply that George brought all this on himself. He had some wonderful opportunities that he wasted, but at the same time he inspired alot of people who desperately need someone or something to be proud of. He COULD have made so much more of himself after his football career ended but failed to do so. People perhaps even gave him too many chances and he failed them too. But to see such a talent as this turning into what he is today really is a shame and I hope that others can maybe learn form him. I feel more pity for him than resentment. He'll be missed by many people - and before you say it - I know many won't give a damn when he goes, but at least have some dignity about someone who is about to die.
  15. I'm with Kopite on this I'm afraid. I don't think anyone can really disagree that he brought this on himself. Or that he was stupid to waste a second chance given to him following someone elses death from which he received a new liver. But George Best himself would be the FIRST to admit how stupid he has been. He is an alcoholic, an addict. Logic doesn't come into play for an addict. When he was admitted to hospital at the start of October her he was almost dragged there by his friend and agent. He was so ashamed and scared of what the media would say that he put off seeking treatment. How much of the rest of his life has he spent being scared or stressed about what people would think because his every move was always in the papers? I wouldn't want to be famous. I'm not trying to excuse anything he has done. He has made many mistakes and is now paying the price. But you can't blame HIM for being the top story in the news tonight. The press has put him there, blame them. Media attention was the last thing he wanted when he went into hospital. Branners, you asked "so he could kick a football, how does that help anybody?" Best was a young lad from East Belfast who hit the big time at 17 years of age and gave the people of Northern Ireland something to be proud of during some of the darkest days of the troubles. He gave hope and crossed the divide between the communities in N. Ireland. There wasn't much for anyone to be proud of over there in those times. Every kid wanted to be Best. He gave so many of them hope that even coming out of somewhere like Belfast, they could still make it in life. Symbolic I know, but he probably did more good in those times than he was even aware of himself. He didn't ask for fame, he just wanted to be the best footballer that he could be. He became an alcoholic, like so many other people of his time. Let him die in peace. If you don't agree with what he has done with his life, then fine. But you don't have to say things like "why doesnt he hurry up and die". That's just being vindictive.
  16. Shouldn't that be 'Ilkley Moor'??
  17. I think what he meant was that those who didn't have the original unit won't have the original wiring OR control box, so they will need to spend more money on getting that lot together before being in a position to use this new unit.
  18. Hey - Welcome! Bet you feel wanted now, don't you?!!
  19. I would have thought you may have had a chance with suing them. Traffic law doesn't expect you to be a mechanic. Yes, you are repsonsible for the road-worthiness of your car, but that doesn't mean you have to be able to examine everything yourself. By taking it to a VW main agent to have new discs fitted would be part of your duty of keeping the car in a roadworthy condition. It is reasonable to expect a main agent to have tightened the wheels up. Also this fault would not necessarily have been obvious by visually checking the car at the garage anyway. A main agent (like any garage) has a duty of care. When I ran my garage I had to have public liability insurance which covered me for defective workmanship. I'd get some legal advice if you are thinking of doing anything about it. The garage may say they're "having none of it", but I'd expect them to say that. I'd let the court decide if they're having any of it! Or threaten to put it in the papers!
  20. You're getting a bit touchy over all these comments this afternoon aren't you, Rosie??
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