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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Soop Dogg

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Everything posted by Soop Dogg

  1. We're moving back to the Railway then? You know it's changed hands and doesn't have the same menu, I take it? Angie and myself will be there.
  2. 01. Jamesmark 02. Mk47 03. Homer (sunday) 04. Ahh Aristo 05. Trig 06. Pig 07. black cat (sunday) 08. Ian R 09. Soop Dogg (Sunday) 10.
  3. Ermmm....what are you referring to? It was a legit, above-board MOT. I didn't mean I cheated on any of it. Hence why i was worried about the emissions as you never know what the car is putting out until they stick it on the machine. (I always worry about that bit!)
  4. ......successfully negotiated! Woohoo!!!! (Was worried about the emissions, but it was fine. )
  5. Maybe if you're going single. If you're keeping the stock turbos or going with hybrids, then 2 1/2" is fine! Let's face it, alot of people on here go 3" and then put in a restrictor ring! Kind of defeates the object of 3" pipe. Anyway, I have had a powerflow exhaust on mine (2 1/2" but that's because I asked for that diameter, they had 3" available at Power & Performance in Norfolk) for about 3 years now and it's been great. The back box is of great quality. Have you seen the inside of a HKS Super Dragger after a couple of years? The internals are mild steel and start to come apart surprisingly early. Ask Angie, my other half. As for the quality of the pipework, well I don't think you can blame Powerflow too much for that as it is made up by the place fitting it. Power & Performance did a great job on mine and have since put a Superdragger back together that we bought cheap from Ralphman as it was broken. It now sits nicely on Angies car. They made up the whole cat-back pipework for about £170 and it is beautifully done in stainless. Yes, results vary massively depending on where you go to, but the back boxes out of the factory are absolutely fine. Just get it fitted somewhere with a good reputation!
  6. Or a universal joint on your prop shaft..... Not the end of the world, but you will need to sort it sooner rather than later.
  7. Soop Dogg


    I've always sworn by Optimax. If I had to run it on anything else, I always found that when I gave it a new tank of Optimax I could actually feel the car performing better. HOWEVER, on my present car I had the tell-tale signs of valve stem oil seals being on their way out. Puff of smoke on cold start and when giving it some gas after idling. After reading a thread on here about a possibility of Optimax being a contributory factor in this, I changed to Tesco 99. (Still get the odd £10 of Optimax as the Shell station is only up the road) After a couple of months of running Tesco fuel, I have found that the smoke situation has got at least 50% (probably more like 75%) better than before. The performance of the car is no different and on one occasion when we left Norwich on our way to Le Mans, I filled up early in the day with Tesco 99 and the car went like an absolute rocket! I don't think I've ever seen it go so well before or since. But the main thing is that I'm happy that the smoke thing is so much better since reducing the cars Optimax intake.
  8. The 2000GT was a 60's car. Looks like he didn't get that right either!!
  9. Noooo not Steers!! Well, actually you can if you like but it's a bit like eating in Tescos! Capt. Americas food is good. The seats aren't great as it's built to be like an old box-car diner, but if you like ribs - they're usually done to perfection! I've been going there about 20 years now! Fatso's is a bit busy and loud. Tables benver seem to be clean. Zaks is ok, but these days seems to be more quantity than quality. Still ok though! Old Orleans isn't too bad, but not outstanding. Handy if you're going to the cinema afterwards. Have yet to try Frankie and Bennys and Tootsies.
  10. That number was never actually issued.
  11. I think if Bijal hadn't used relative terms to describe the parts he's using he wouldn't have attracted so many questions. For example, he talked about HKS being 'Superior' and 'better' and used the words 'compared to the equivalent Garrett' etc. Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but if you say something is 'Superior' or 'better', then you are saying it is superior RELATIVE TO SOMETHING ELSE. This implied he had knowledge of the other manufacturers kit. If you don't have knowledge of the other kit, the best you can say about an item is that it is 'very good' or maybe 'the best I have experienced' etc. But Bijal was adamant that HKS was better than other stuff, and I myself simply wanted to know what made it better. That is all I asked. But instead of just putting his hands up and admitting stright away that perhaps he worded his posts a bit too strongly or that he shouldn't have said things the way he did, he contimued spouting rubbish and got caught out. It kind of came over like this: 'HKS is the best because........well......it just is - I know so believe me.' 'And I have proven this to many people. I don't need to go into technical details, I have proven it - believe me.' 'HKS aren't the best just because they are HKS, it's because the technology that goes into them is amazing! I'm not going into details about the technology, but really - it's amazing! I was amazed!' Sorry, but I don't accept things so easily. It's a bit like accepting everything the government tells us without using our own minds to ask 'WHY?' and I'm sure we all know the value in questioning our government!!
  12. I agree with the comment that this is a show car and shows what CAN be done. Remember the gold TVR Cerbera with all the upholstry and Ice in it? To me that was ridiculous, but it was built for a purpose - to show what was possible. This car is not to my own taste, but I can appreciate it from the point of view of how much work and talent it has taken to create it. Plus, as Lucifer says, other cultures will prefer styles that we might not necessarily like ourselves. Doesn't make it bad, just different!
  13. The MIB will only compensate you for yoru injuries, not the bike. (As already stated by Lee) Not sure how much you might get for your finger. Are you sure you vaven't hurt your neck or back? It can put a right old strain on you trying to hold your bike upright when being shoved along the road by a pick-up truck. I had this happen once in a city centre during the morning rush hour. A car came the wrong way down a one way street at me. I tried to point out that he was going the wrong way, but after ranting at me he just drove into me head on. It was only when half the people in the street descended on him that he reversed away from me at speed, turned around and fled! Fortunate for me that there were so many people about who were willing to help! Hope you get something back.
  14. Nice one! Looks great too. You got the 300 sorted out then? Hope to see you at the next meet. Enjoy!
  15. Bijal, You are so right that I am only at BPU level and have had no experience with the hks units to give a comment on them. Hence why I have not made any judgement or comment suggesting a preference either way on these turbos. You are a trader/tuner and have said you have proven that HKS is the best on the market. I really did want to know how this superiority manifested itself, just because I was interested. I HAVE HKS stuff in my car that I am happy with, and have no dispute with your opinion as we are all entitled to our opinions. But when you start making claims that one turbo is proven to be better than another, then you really should expect people (such as traders who deal with Garrett) to want to know what the evidence is to support your claims. Anyway, I simply wanted to discuss what made one item superior to another and asked some questions accordingly which you appear to have ignored or missed. There really is no reason for either of us to get heated about this. If you don't have an answer to the question (which you have now said you don't) then I worry that you made such claims in the first place. I'm sure you still have much to contribute to this board. I will be interested to see how this project progresses and how your research can benefit us all.
  16. Oh, FFS! I'm not the one making claims here. I would just like to know how much better this HKS unit is and why. Are we not entitled to ask that? Please can you also square these 2 statements made by your good self because they appear to be 180 degrees apart! I don't think it unreasonable to ask this. I'm not saying you aren't telling the truth, just that the more you don't explain this, the more sceptical I am getting. I AM interested in people producing track cars that will get the Supra noticed - of course I am. But I like to know that the people I take advise from know what they are talking about. (CW for example)
  17. Hang on a minute! I'm not hating or just trying to pi$$ someone off here (as someone else said), but a question has been asked regarding claims made on this thread by Bijal. Here you go: That sounds like a conclusion to me and I am sceptical about what exactly (if anything) has 'been proven'. At no point in the above post did Bijal say 'in my opinion' nor anything like it. He claimed that the HKS kit 'by far is the best in the market'. To be honest, this really doesn't affect me in the slightest as I have no intention of going down the single route in the foreseeable, but I don't like people making sweeping statements that may alter how members on here decide on what kit to put in their cars and blatantly having NO evidence to back up their claims. Bijal went on to say: Bijal, you really should have some sort of technical data to make such a claim. If you have this information, I'm sure there are some of us here who would be interested in just what 'design and technology' it is that makes the HKS units so far ahead of the Garrett ones.
  18. Soop Dogg


    Don't know if this is a repost, but try this. PS - Before the smart arses jump at me, yes I know how it works, but it's only a bit of fun! Your kids will love it! http://www.milaadesign.com/wizardy.html
  19. The leather ad cruise control were options on the RZ and standard equipment on the GZ. WHat's the model number on the VIN plate?
  20. Agreed Terry. Sounds like lots of BS to me here too. How can anyone hope to dispute the information in the posts you mention on SF without backup it up with ANY data whatsoever? (In fact the reply Bijal gave didn't seem to bear any relation to the posts on SF anyway - you're quite right - he was rambling!) Bijal, what tests/comparisons are you aware of that you have yet to SHARE with us? (as you seem to be so big on 'knowledge sharing') Were those *cough* TESTS *cough* done under the sort of conditions that would give vaild results and a comparison about which we can all come to our own conclusions? Sorry to be sarcastic, but at the start of this thread you promised all sorts about 'Tricks of the trade etc', 'Complete Suspension Setup, Suspension kit, Bushes, Anti Roll Bars etc.' All I've seen you do so far is make sweeping claims like 'during testing at donnington we found the best setup on the suspension and tyre pressures'. What does that tell us? Absolutely bugger all - that's what. Come on, share all this knowledge and help us all out here!
  21. Didn't realise that KITT was RHD?
  22. Perhaps there's some oddity with the link. Try going into Google Videos and just use the search terms 'Supras' and 'Le Mans'. See if that works? Cheers!
  23. Aahh....thought there must have been some good reason why so many people had viewed but not bothered to rate it! Oh well.
  24. Thanks for the comments Geoff. It was alot of fun putting the video together. We didn't get much sleep on the trip though - that bit in the hotel car park was at 4.45am after about 4 hours sleep! The previous night we had about 3 hours sleep after a serious delay on the ferry. Oh, and thanks for the rating on Google Videos - that's our first!!
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