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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Soop Dogg

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Everything posted by Soop Dogg

  1. I don't see what the problem is with the aerotop. If you want it to behave like the hardtop, you bolt the roof on. Simple! You'll barely feel any difference (if at all) when the roof is on an aerotop when compared to a hardtop. (We've owned 2 of each and driven both types on tracks many times too.) The lines of the car are the same with the roof on, so there's no really obvious visual difference. As for the appearance with the roof off, that's really just personal preference. But it's a targa top - targas are supposed to just look like a hardtop until the removable panel is taken out. Corvette Coupes are just the same - as are Porsche Targas. When the roof is removed, it's not meant to look like a full convertible! And the Supra roof is bolted in to make the car more rigid - it wouldn't achieve this with a lever-type securing mechanism. That's why it is still just as good as a hardtop when the roof is on. But if you have an aerotop and the weather is right, you have a CHOICE. That's the difference. Aerotop every time for me. Roof On: Roof Off: (Who could resist driving with the roof off in this scenery?)
  2. Unfortunately we don't have enough room for a post on the other side of the driveway. (Between our drive and the neighbours) As I like to park one of the cars at an angle (as per the 'vette in the pic) I need to enter the drive at an angle and removed the post that was there when we moved in. Gates would annoy me anyway. The vette is now at the back of the driveway and is covered by another camera and security light.
  3. Yeah - "running" in the loosest sense of the word, eh? Really needs to go on You've Been Framed! I almost died laughing when I watched it for the first time - it was like someone had put a load of fireworks up his exhaust. How can a car run so badly? And that cloud of black smoke was like it was just there for hilarity value.
  4. It just triggers when it detects motion. I currently have it set up to record in 10sec clips. I've got another camera joining the others soon and a power controller so that I can log in from the internet and turn on the light in the car port to check on the car after dark. (And then turn it off again)
  5. Picked this up a months or so ago on the security cameras. (You'll need sound to appreciate it.) Lovely little runner!
  6. These little sh!ts should do life for murder IMHO.
  7. Soop Dogg

    c'mon england

    Can I just point out that 'Ireland' is not one of the home nations. Northern Ireland is, though. And they've done quite well over the past couple of years. The big difference in N. Ireland is the attitude there over football. They don't expect too much of their team. Nobody talks about the team winning tournaments etc so nobody gets overly disappointed when it doesn't happen. If they do well, everyone is really chuffed about it. (Like when they beat England a couple of years ago. ) Even though N.I. didn't qualify for Euro 2008, they'll still be well proud of their team for doing so unexpectedly well. They beat Spain at home, Sweden at home and away and Denmark at home.(Drew away) And in at least 3 of those games they went a goal down early on, so having spirit to come back was nice to see. Not so long ago, the N.I. team went for over 1000 minutes of football without even scoring a goal! Unfortunately England don't seem to have much of a team spirit. There are plenty of great players in the team, but to me they look like a bunch of overpaid prima-donnas (sp?) who can't really be bothered to try too hard.
  8. Surely there's a joke somewhere in the title of this thread.....
  9. I got what you were driving at straight away. I think it was the fact it was all in capitals and involved a foreign language. Hard to miss it, I thought. Maybe I just have the same warped sense of humour....
  10. Rosie - As I understand it the relevant date in 1996 was July 1st. If he passed prior to that he's ok. After that date they introduced the direct access stuff which he wouldn't have been eligible for as he was only 17 then.
  11. Why not contact DVLA - after al they are the Licensing people? On second thoughts - they're a government department - you've got no chance!
  12. Hmmmm.... No side repeaters. Arches are so big, you'd be lucky to see anything out of the mirrors over them. This together with the lack of a rear window would make it an 'interesting' experience to back it out of a space I'd have thought. Nice fit on the frame of the drivers door!! (Pic4) Lovely 'Halfrauds bargain bin' number plate light! (Gotta love that chromed plastic) As for the rally stripes - it looks as though it's been left in the middle of the road on a blind bend when they've been line-painting. Perhaps they're supposed to mean that you shouldn't overtake this car? Usual Barney & Leepu bucket of bolts with a respray. It's still a rusty piece of sh!te underneath. Should be scrapped IMHO. Sorry. *Edit:* Just found the side repeaters - Pity Barney & Leepu decided to use them as the rear indicators FFS!
  13. Seat fell out. There was damage to the lower part of the tail which would be highly unilkely if the seat had banged out in its' intended way. (In which case it would be unusual to find damage to the top of the tail never mind the bottom of it) Must have been a bit of a shock - for about a tenth of a second.
  14. What's happened to your current one - it's VERY unusual for an ECU to fail, TBH.
  15. Soop Dogg


    Yep - as said, boycotting the oil companies aint going to get the tax reduced. If anyone's interested, visit http://www.petrolprices.com and sign up for their updates. I get an email twice a week to tell me the cheapest 5 petrol stations within 5 miles of my home address. I can get normal unleaded (for my other car) for 97.9p/litre. You can get updates for up to 3 different fuel types and emails once or twice a week. I always thought my local Tescos was cheap, but it's only 3rd on the list for Super, and not in the top 5 at all for 95 or diesel.
  16. I thought it was good for the first couple of shows. Watched Bangla Bangers as well. However, it's got to the point now that I just want to hit both Barney & Leepu (sp?) and in the interests of my own blood pressure, I've given up watching it. (I just end up swearing at the TV for an hour, calling them horrible names!)
  17. Take a look at the info on the charger. I know UK/European ones can be used in the US on 120V. I only ever take a plug adapter so I can use mine in the states. The sticker on the charger will tell you what input voltages it will accept whilst still giving the correct output voltage.
  18. I remember Rosie posting this one a while back. It as a repost back then too.....
  19. Watched it once, didn't like it, won't be watching it again. Sorry, but I thought it was cheap rubbish that's been done a million times before, but those times it was done better!
  20. No, you wouldn't have seen him on the sliproad, but during the process of him catching you up, you would've had a set of headlights somewhere in your rear view mirror, (unless the motorway was particularly twisty! ) If he could see you and he reckons he knows what speed you were doing, you must have been able to see him closing on you. (You did more or less say he caught up to you when you questioned how 2 vehicles going at the same speed can catch each other up) Apart from that, I NEVER go past an entrance sliproad to a motorway or dual carriageway at anything over about 78mph as these are well known places for Police cars to just sit and wait for someone to go tanking past. It's like shelling peas for them FFS!
  21. But Epic wasn't the only car on this stratch of road - there was an Astra following him at the same speed. If he didn't notice that, then his observations skills aren't up to much. If he did notice that, then he's even more stupid than I thought from his initial post. Sorry - but the way he came on here bragging about it (and to a degree, his manner of writing) came across like one of the Max Power brigade. That's not to say he is like that - its just how the post read to me. Just my 2p.
  22. I did some really long hours in the RAF and the in the Police. But I think my worst (although maybe not my longest stretch of straight hours) was when I did 27 hours straight as a motorcycle courier. I covered over 1,250 miles, including 2 trips to London from where I live in Norwich, a ride to somewhere just outside Chester to deliver flight tickets and then ended up posting some share options stuff through someones door at 3am in Glasgow before riding home again. The trouble with that job was that if you did fall asleep, you'd almost certainly die. Simple option! I remember sitting in a Little Chef near Kings Lynn at 8am having a bacon bap and looking out at the rain with that feeling of being warm but still shivering with the tiredness. Then having to put on a damp crash helmet to ride the last hour or so home through rush hour traffic in the wet. Never again.
  23. So you can fling open the door of your parked car just as a car is about to drive past and get away with it? Somehow I don't think so.
  24. Agreed - I think I'd have to ditch the live back axle if I could. However - I don't think that's going to stop Angie buying one in the next six months or so! However, I have to say I do really like the look of them regardless of the handling issue. (BUT - I prefer my 'vette )
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