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The mkiv Supra Owners Club

Soop Dogg

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Everything posted by Soop Dogg

  1. Yeah - so you can go order a Porsche like everyone else as well? But at least with an Android phone you CAN change the battery once it's not holding charge too well - or even buy a spare if it's becoming an issue. My Android phone has decent email. Links directly to Facebook, Twitter & Flickr too. Oh - and my Android phone multi-tasks straight out of the box. And it can be mounted on my pc as an external storage device just by plugging it in on USB - great when someone in the office comes in after lunch with a new album I want - just copy it to my phone and put it on the PC when I get home.
  2. And I wouldn't feel that I'd totally wasted 2 hours of my life! Good idea, Gordon. I'll look into that.
  3. Both drivers were given suspended bans I believe. If either driver gets involved in any dodgy stuff during the first two or three races of 2010, they'll have to serve the ban. How they can let someone away with driving into another car and flipping it around like that is beyond me. At least it was exciting though! There's another video of it on YouTube of the final 10th mins of the race that will really give you a feel for just how exciting the end of the race was. I agree F1 needs to go back to the drawing board if they want to make the racing more interesting.
  4. Lol @ Tooquick. Or at least it I was LOL'ing (is that a word?) until you said you'd got yourself a new bike. I picked up a new bike during the week myself - all £1500 quids worth. (I like nice bikes) You see, I used to be a racing cyclist in my teens and into my early 20's. In the early 80's I was doing about 14,000 miles a year and still think (even though I'm now in my mid 40's) that I'll be able to get myself pretty fit in a few weeks. (racing 100 miles was never much of a problem 'back in the day') Now having read your post I'm thinking all my mates are going to see me wheezing my way into work and I'll get some serious stick!
  5. When they said last year that they were removing refuelling, I remembered how they had reintroduced refuelling in the early 90's because then, having spent a few years with a refuelling ban, the sport was getting lots of flack because it was soooo boring. It seems nothing has changed in that respect. Oh well, ALMS starts next week with the 12 hours of Sebring. After this finish on the last race of 2009 with all the controversy between the Flying Lizard Porsche and the GT2 Corvette, (Watch the last corner incident) it could be an interesting season! 9ppCBCDtPTI
  6. I was thinking more that you might be adding it as a sub in the VB editor. (Alt + F11 from your form, and then look for your form name under 'Microsoft Office Access Class Objects')
  7. If the VB is being written behind the form itself, then you should be able to say MyVariable = me.myfield ('me' is the form referring to itself) No need to set focus on the field as I do this all the time with hidden fields to which you can never pass the focus. I'm assuming we're talking VBA for access here?
  8. Soop Dogg

    A brain teaser

    It doesn't matter if they're on the same route or not. You said that there is a point when both planes 'meet'. That's the only point along either route that we're interested in here. (I'm a nit-picking professional, me!)
  9. As already said, I'd expect there to be a 2-stroke oil tank. A pump gets the mix just right taking oil from the tank and mixing it with the fuel. However, anyone who's ever raced 2-strokes will normally remove the oil pump and tank and run it on 'premix'. (by putting the right amount of oil in the fuel tank for the amount of fuel that was in there and giving it a good shake!) This is mainly because they don't trust the pump to keep working - the first sign of a pump failure is when the engine siezes! The other thing is that removing the oil pump removes another bit of resistance from the engine. I had a few 2-strokes that I ran on pre-mix, but even then, I tended to ride around with a couple of fingers covering the clutch - just in case it ever nipped up.
  10. Not always. In cases such as this I would say the primary purpose of prison is fo rthe protection of the public. Same goes for any violent murderer and for the many mentally ill people who have killed because of their illness. There have been many cases (some in the last couple of years) where a mentally unstable person has been released from a secure unit, only to have killed again with days of their release. Personally, I think if there's any doubt whatsoever as to their fitness for living free within the community, they should continue to be locked up. I'd rather hear of killers dying in prison than of innocent people being stabbed to death when they're walking their kids in the park. Protecting the innocent should be the primary purpose of prison. Whether the offender can be rehabilitated is a secondary consideration IMHO.
  11. As already said - it's moving like that to simulate the G's that a car pulls. i.e. pitching nose down under heavy braking to make your weight go forward in your seat. Nose up to push your weight back into your seat when accelerating etc. Might be more effecctive to the user if they couldn't see their surroundings.
  12. Oh, ok. It's just that when I was a kid in N. Ireland in the early 70's it was in pretty common use. (Showing my age now) I was just thinking it was one of those '2nd time around' fashionable words.
  13. What I did with mine was to ride the bike first and see how close the inside of the heel of my shoes came to the cranks when each crank is at the point of being as far forward as it goes during a revolution. (So the rear of your foot should be passing the bottom bracket spindle). Then fit the new pedals to the bike. Then fit the cleats to the shoes, but leave them so they can just be moved. Then clip the shoes into the pedals and turn them so that the inside of each heel is at about the same distance from the crank as you observed earlier. It's not an exact science, but it gets you started - call it a base map! We don't all naturally ride with our foot 'straight' in the pedal, so everyone will need the cleat to be slightly angled to some degree. You'll find that certain parts of your leg and foot will start to feel uncomfortable or hurt within a mile if you've got it way out. You can also adjust how tight the pedals hold the shoe - to start with, keep them a bit loose so you can get out easily!
  14. Yep - when it gets to the last 3 or 4 working days of the month (can't remember which) you can buy a tax disc that begins on the 1st of the following month. That's when it starts - so to put it in your windscreen and attempt to use it on a public road a couple of days early will land you in trouble if you get stopped.
  15. Motorbike? Nope Big Truck? Nope Tank? Nope Fast car? Nope Bicycle? Could be!!
  16. Pity the disc in the pic is about a year out of date!
  17. Really? It's only TotalSports.com I'm pretty well locked down here and didn't get anything. Mind you - I'm not using internet infector explorer HERE'S another link - this time on Youtube - not sure how long it might stay there though. (And I don't know what the whole 'Keyboard Cat' thing is all about!)
  18. This has got to be the funniest moment of the Olympics yet. Pity the IOC is going around the internet having videos of the event removed citing breach of copyright! VIDEO
  19. Very good point there GMan. We have idiots here too.
  20. While we're doing ridicule: Don't tell me, Martini - you're oging to call your new religion 'An inconvenient truth' and it'll be based on a fairytale land over which was spreading a great darkness, an evil called...... 'Anthropological Global Warming'.
  21. Don't you mean the Hebrew Bible. (Which contained a little bit of Aramaic)
  22. I don't think you can believe in one without believing in the other. Jesus was the incarnation of God on earth. God and Jesus are the same thing essentially. You've heard of the 'Trinity'? - Father, Son & Holy Spirit, all the same entity. That's my understanding of it anyway. Jesus was provided by God as the intermediary for man to come to God. I think.
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