Sorry to anyone that is waiting for a reply from me regarding any pm's that they had sent me over the last while when i was not able to get online
Firstly that chap has been fully refunded (whom the thread was opened for) I dont know my password to gtroc so i had gotten a mate to post on there and pm the guy and tell him he had been fully refunded and i also apologized for the length of time to send a refund
With regards to the transaction with TonyTT at the moment, I am in touch with Tony since Saturday since he contacted me via facebook to inform me that the steering wheel & boss kit had not arrived, since then i have been in contact with courier company no less than 10 times. Tony as you are aware but i will post it here for all to see, the courier company have confirmed receipt of parcel from myself and they are currently doing a search in their main Dublin & Cork depo's trying to locate the parcel.
The courier company have even asked me to have Tony contact them himself as they have taken fully responsibility for this issue. Myself as the seller with be seeing this true to the end that the item is found and delivered to Tony, I will be ringing the courier company again tomorrow morning and Tony will be provided with an update and hopefully this time tomorrow the parcel will be on route to the UK. Tony you can confirm also that I have sent you pdf file showing parcel / courier booked and sent off, just in case anyone on here is still thinking im trying to scam another member
I know a lot of you guys on here as i have been a member 7+ years and i enjoy the supra community and more importantly my Supra, I might not have met any of you guys face to face due to me been in Ireland and vast majority of you living in the UK etc but i would like to think that i would have some good mates on here
Thanks to everyone who posted good feedback about me in this thread, i appreciate that
Some sales on here dont go according to plan but i have never ever once tried to scam a member !!! If this it what i was trying to do then this would have been done at the start and i wouldnt be still here 7+ years with 4k+ posts with almost a perfect feedback score too which i try my utmost best to keep as close to 100% as possible
Just a little background on myself, i work for Revenue here in Ireland and I can be in the office early in the morning and may not get out til late that night so posting stuff Monday - Friday myself personally is almost impossible unless i get some time off, I package all my items myself and i hope a family member is free to be able to pop to a post office for me to get the item posted off to a fellow member
Anyway I am sorry for any issues that may have been caused. Enough of me rambling on here, if you got any questions or anything please drop me a pm