Sorry if my english is bad, trust me your norwegian is worse
Hi, I'm in the market for another MKIV. I have a 93' J-spec TT Mt6 with only 20 000 km on the clock, but I cant use it, since Norway, as the ONLY european country, wan't approve J-spec cars...
I therefore need a genuine UK spec, with an first time registration in the UK, it must have a Certificate of Conformity – COC that follows the car. Trust me, dealing with the norwegian car authorities is like dealing with a wall, you need all documentation, and still it's a lot of trouble..
Well, any how, what I'm looking for is:
Twin Turbo
Six Speed
Ideally Black or white, other colours considered
Stock preferable, BPU an BPU+ considered
Preferable Stock/Nearly stock bodywork, but all considered
I am looking to pay up to around 9,000 for the right one.
I'm going to Indonesia on monday, and will be there a month, so I can't come and sign any deal until newyear, but I will be on the internet if someone comes up with an offer or any Q's:)