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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by mattysupra

  1. no my supra was not standard. It run 11.9 quarter on nos. Been out playing all day in the rs6 today and im starting to like it more and more. It is much faster if you take it out of D(drive) and use the paddles to change gear. There is no way in the world any supra will come close to it in the wet. So easy to drive. Just floor it and it grips. Even on bends!! Still have to wait and see what its like in the dry. I still think my supra is faster but everyone who has been in it today thinks the rs6 is quicker. But then again my new rs6 has been mapped by AMD. Got the dino here - 512.8 lb ft @ 2668rpm / 430 lb ft @ 2447rpm 511.1 BHP @ 6011rpm / 452.3 BHP @ 5846rpm. Think i might want to put a motec ecu on it:eyebrows:
  2. Well boys and girls, i picked up my rs6 tonight and its a monster. I must say that it is not as quick as the supra but in the wet it is a monster and no supra will come close to it. Think i need a bit more power tho to keep up in the dry! But then again i dont think a standard supra will keep up in the dry either!
  3. Dont talk silly! I have owned the supra for almost 9 years. Im well gutted i have sold the supra. To be fair i have sold it, maybe 10 times over the years but have never been able to hand over the keys! The lad who is buying the car is a good friend and i trust him to look after the car ( or i will damage him ) Just hope he dont bend it! He has a rx7 at the moment and can handle its power very well. Just my supra has double the rx7 bhp! I really want a RS6. Im thinking motec, v8 4.2 twin turbo and 4 wheel drive, good for 600bhp? I can see me coming back to a supra tho!
  4. am i being stupid here? i dont understand your comment? Or do i ? another supra?
  5. Cant belive i have just sold my supra. Cant belive i sold it for 11 grand either. ( even more gutted ) So what the hell do i get next?
  6. i have brought 2 of them. I now own a tt ford ka. Getting the log book up dated next week. I cant tell the difference between my supra and the ka any more. Brillant .
  7. That will be him. He mapped my cousins motec on his gt4 and he always says how good he his.
  8. m400? i have one. Can i use it? Anyone know a chap going by the name frazsher over banbury way for mapping motec's?
  9. Near me steve. Hall green way ( brum)
  10. i will have a word with them. They know us and i drink with one of the lads who work there so will ask the question next time i see him.
  11. Which one is recommened or used on auto tt?? Also does anyone have any base maps??
  12. You wont be happy with a n/a after the car you have now, buy a tt or dont bother. Pop past my pad next time you see my car there and if im in a good mood and not on the piss, i will take you out in mine. ( make sure you tell me who you are tho, Half of our hood come round trying to clean etc for a go ) Then you will defo not want a n/a. Also supra's are not good on fuel at all. Mine will do 3 runs down the quarter using £10 quid of fuel and a bottle of nos! Works out about £35 quid for 35 seconds driving! On the street it will do Stratford and back on 25 quid if i drive nice ish.. All depends on mods and how you drive tho i suppose. Im sure some one on here will tell us they do 50 to the gallon. ( there is always one )
  13. Ye i think i know your car to. I will try to arrange something next week. Maybe at donnington when i get the correct dates sorted. Might be a few weeks before i arrange a local one again. Mines for sale if the right money is offered. But as i dont really want to sell it the offer would have to be good + beat the offers i already have for it. I take it you know where i live if you have walked past it a few times. You will have to say hi next time you see me so i know who you are !!
  14. replica skirts will not fit correct. Just these will need a lot of work to get correct and then depending on what paint you want used and how much prep work you need will all affect the price. Minimum £1500 for a cowboy up to £3500
  15. Well i wasn't sure where to put these vids so desided i would ask you lot. So check out my new sig !!!
  16. Yes thanks every one who turned up. Also foxy i tried to have a look at the forum but dont seem to be working. will try again later.
  17. mattysupra

    Stolen Supra

    Would you mind pm'ing me the info too? I think some one needs to find away of fixing this to stop this happening. !
  18. Yes we do paint work and custom design. Our plans was to offer a MKIV CLUB DISCOUNT as we want to get more into the supras. ( we own one our selves and it never fails to turn heads, as all supras tend to do ) We are just listed as a club member at the present as we are new to the forum and as i understand we have to be a member for 3 months before we can become a trade member ( hence i have removed a link to our website and one back here ) I dont fully understand this rule as we are offering you all a club discount, but rules are rules after all To spill the beans as well, our intentions was to give away a free paint job to our selected Donner car. ( We had decided on a supra ) This was all being paid for by the manufacturer of the paint. It is a new top secret paint finish that is not on sale to the public or trade yet! The Donner car would also receive a contract with it where they will use this car in most mags every month for a 12 month period to advertise this new paint. It will be a full size page which will also have plugs for our selfs and where we found the car. ( mkiv forum ) As for us as a company we have had major coverage of most our cars we have worked on in different mags. We are well known to red line, fast car etc etc. We used to trade as PLATINUM AUTOMOTIVE DESIGNS but after another firm opened up in the same name pretending to be us ( cheeky bastards was only a couple of mile away as well ) they managed to destroy our business because every one thought we was the same people. So we changed our name to Perkins. We are now trying to get our new name recognised .
  19. mattysupra

    Stolen Supra

    we used to be the alarm game. Best advice i can give you is to get a clifford, toad etc fitted. Then have a separate immobiliser fitted as well but get one that works of a REMOTE. Have them fit the immobiliser away from the ignition barrel. (at the ecu or etc) When you steal a car you can guarantee that most fitters will but the ignition,starter cut near the barrel. Or if you have to put some sort of plug into a socket to turn it off you can follow the wires back to the unit. EASY. Yes about 1-2 mins for a cat 1 to get passed. If you get a separate remote immobiliser cutting ecu power etc it will buy you time while there trying to find it. Also and best tip!! Get a separate sms sender. If you have this the alarm will send you a tex or phone your phone when the alarm is triggered. While they are trying to find the second immobiliser, you will have found them with a big bat and taught them a lesson. It sounds like pros had your car tho. They moved another car and then they find your car with no prints and no damage. Guess they are waiting to see if it had a tracker or for someone else was meant to pick it and got cold feet? Also i have a chain which i loop through my wheel and rear tow point if ever i leave outside for the night, It also goes through a big loop in the floor so cant be lifted away ( It does happen )
  20. i noticed after i looked in your garage. o well. Would you like to buy a nice shinny one then
  21. no thanks. We already have a tt. how about you buy our supra? Nice and shinny in black with a nice shinny engine. Plus its hit 11's down the old quarter mile!!! to.
  22. Yes they should and would be. We would like a good base model to start with tho. I have only ever seen one supra that has an aftermarket kit fitted, that does fit as it should. The idea is that we get to see what cars are out there. If we find one we like that still needs paint work tiding and kit finishing etc, we would take on the car. We also are looking for a car that will receive a full repaint FREE of charge with a new paint that has been developed ( cant say any more than that as still a bit top secret ) This car will be used in most magazines every month for the advert of this new paint when it is released. Also at £480 quid a litter ( estimated cost of paint ) Some one will be getting a good deal! Anyway i need to talk to the mods etc to see how we stand with our offers etc before any more is said.
  23. Right i have spoken to some people and we have agreed the best place to meet is here The Horse and Jockey Alcester Rd Wythall B47 6DB tel: 01564822308 It has a big car park, children's play area 'take tumble thingy' if you have kids, its out the way so no chavs trying to steal your car, it also has a 2 mile run from island to island dual carriageway if you get board ! It also has 2 petrol stations ( will be needed ) Let alone serves great food ( so i have been told ) It is also 30 seconds from junction 3 of the M42 so great for every one travelling. Of course we don't want people doing donuts in the pub car park! The big man will be attending and WILL take your car off you if you decide to take the piss! ( and yes the big man is a very big man. ) Plus we dont want the law turning up! The PERKINS crew will also be there to promote our name and business. We will also be looking over your cars and coming to a decision of who's car we would like to invite to our trade stand at next years shows! So make sure you give them a little clean! We will also ( as still in discussion ) announce what our deal is to you all (mkiv crew) regarding discount on paintwork or parts you would like to purchase . Well i think i have said enough for now, so see you all Saturday the 10th( next week ) At 2.00. (1400) Now remember please that this is not a big meet but a local one to the locals of brum , so don't expect 20 or so supras there. Guess there will be 5-10. This is so you can meet your local supra owners! Other makes and models are welcome. Yes we will still consider there cars for our stand if they look good, but lets not take the piss with your mates corsa with a supra body kit stuck on it. PLEASE! If it looks good we will consider it, They will be told if it is a pile of crap! WE ARE ALSO ATTENDING A TRACK DAY AT DONNINGTON ON SUNDAY IF YOU WOULD ALL LIKE TO JOIN US!!! EDIT by SteveR - please sign up here if you are attending, thanks.
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