Bit of a strange one, my car is semi bpu, double decat with restrictor ring, hybrid turbos, ebc, walbro fuel pump etc basically everything apart from a fcd.. decided i would relocate the solenoid of the boost controller to a more asthetically pleasing place. Usually i have it on off so it wont go above 0.8 bar boost, basically use it as a boost gauge, always goes up to and holds strong, however seems it was a nice evening went out for a bit of a blast, somehow must have knocked the controller and changed it to a different setting.. it was going way up to 1.2 bar (and above) with no fuel cut. I know the fuel cut works and there is definately no FCD installed as when i installed the boost controller many months ago i was hitting fuel cut if i turned the boost up.
anyone have any ideas why or what is causing this seemingly free "fcd"