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Supra Articles
Everything posted by wynter919
personaly think its a 100% practical...as long as you have no kids & if you need the car for any means of transporting more than your own physical body and maybe a bottle of coke(the small ones) then it becomes 0% pratical (fun thou ) p.s. fuel is good..i get 350miles to a tank np and you can squese 30-40 bhp out of a SZ at not too much expence without a turbo but no more (so ive been told and what the dyno shows, havnt done it myself)
why do you say that...has anyone done it??...personallly would love to see the look on sumones face when you roll up next to them on the strip and thier expecting to hear some turbo whine and a dump valve and hear a V8 roar instead....but thats just me im a big V8 fan so im not expecting many on hear to agree with me
i saw a test of 1 of those on a car in max power/fast car sumthing like taht and it came in with 15 od bhp less...they restrict air flow....youd have to be a bell end to use 1
theres a company in america ive been in touch with (will dig out the name) they've done a couple of N/a project builds and there able to squese and extra 30-40 bhp with not to much done and not too much expence either (ie no machine work).think 1 of there n/as is running 275 and the other 267 or sumthing (dyno'd as well,not jst flim flam)...but after that your looking at heavy machine work ie. skiming porting and heavy cams etc (all of witch are not cheap and would prob be about the same as a Turbo conversion anyway), at least that what my reaserch has proven. to be fair an extra 30-40 bhp is more than gonna make a differance..hell it will make a huge differance but only do it if you looking for a bit more poke and arnt too fused about it...if you want a beast of a supra a Turbos is the only way! p.s i personally would only do a few basic things and wait till i want a turbo or get a v8 in it (waits to hear the abuse of turbo fans)
spot on..almost forget (legs-it downstaris!!)
they came on the rims i got reacently...not bad for a budget tyre, enuf for some very spirited driving and equally good in the wet, they are easy to tell when your near the limit.. but they will never be in the same league as potenzas etc but then there no where near the price. leaving them on there 4 now..when they wear down i will go to potenzas as ive been in a couple of sups now with these and there nothing short of emence!
just read up about it (dual mode damper pulley that toyota use) interesting design good thing i found this out only 2 days before i changed it p.s i can still change the other pullys for the alternator and bits to get the underdrive without problems correct.???????? they have no affect on the balance of the engine.....or is there sum wird deign for them as well lol
really...first engine ive heard of like that...changed a few pully sets onto lighter ones on cars before and its not a prob beacuse its either internally balanced or has a harmonic balancer...just because its lighter doesnt actually change any balance as such as no center of gravity has been changed...its just lighter so less work...a crank is specifically balanced in areas to match the desighn of the engine or it is done via a harmonic balancer like the V8's i work on...a pully should not afect this or at least it is the first system ive come accross where a pully is desighned to also balnace the engine. if i am wrong please let me know as i was planning to install my 3-way light and underdrive set on tuesday! if this is the case then i will just install the other 2 and not the crank pully p.s if it is a no no, why do greddy and unorthodox racing to name a few make them for both n/a and TT?
? surly you mean the crank itself...never looked into it but surly the engine is balanced internally or with a balancer....does the engine balance come from the crank pully itself??
if they are just lightened and not underdrived then i dont see how they would make a differance. underdrive pully set would, is that what you meant?
i went to toyota today to see about getting a replacement v-belt for the supra--- £50!!! said you having a laf and walked out. there must be sumwhere out there i can source it cheaper(my TA belt was £12)..not sure where to start on the internet any ideas?? p.s where is the adjustment for tension on the v-belt setup...is it alternator or sumwhere else...i only ask beacuse i got a 3 way underdrive pully kit for cheap so might as well wack that on so it will need to be altered
was goona buy some from them next year..some very nice deep dish rims
lol. nope 17" standard ones. good news for me then...i have a economical supra
positive speedo has been done as well..all by envy
nope...my odometer has been converted to miles! before i did my journey back from sunderland i google maped it and satnaved it and both of them said its a 315 mile trip...so regardless of my odometer and fuel gauge, i physically travelled 315+ miles to 60 litres of petrol! any ideas as to why??...dont get me wrong im not complaing but if it could be a problem id want to know
fair enuf..i havent had it long so im still getting used to a few things and you may be right in that the gauge is random at best(have noticed it takes a while for it to realise i gave it sum fuel)...but undinably i did 315 miles and i didnt run out of fuel watever the gauge was reading(be it acurate or not!) i then drove a futher 13 miles to get sum good fuel the next day so thats 320+ to a tank np def not normal?? and i deas why this may be?
really?? because i thought it seemed a bit good! seriously im not joking or exadurating....i brought the car from sunderland and drove it back to reading (315miles) i filled up from fumes,put in £60 and drove home...now i just got the car so i was 50/50 between playing and taking it easy and i made it back to my door with bit under 1/4 of a tank left and had similar experiance driving to santa pod. my mate used half a tank to get there in his gts skyline(101miles) and i only just used a 1/4
im getting 350-400 miles to a full tank in my SZ(and thats not being gentle with the gas either)...is that normal..coz everyone said dont expect much in terms of fuel econemy but to me thats f*ing brilliant!!(better than any car ive owned and i was expecting it to be the worst,hell my old saxo drank more!). my mate in his skyline gts which is litrally identical in terms of performance can only mangae 300 at a stretch. is that normall..does everyone find it the same in thier SZ?????
i had a squeaky noise so i just shoved some car hifi carpet in the obvious rubing places and gone thou my prefered method for getting rid of annoying noises is to turn my music up
67,108 miles dam..beat me to it..google is wonderfull
Jst thought id let you know i reacently had a Viper 480XV alarm fitted (the one with the pager) and i can say its quailty got it done by a company on ebay called vehicle-securtiy...top guys drive to you no charge fit it for £300 pager works for up to a mile!!(can def vouch it works for at least 1/2 a mile as thats as far as ive been and it was parked in a muliti storey) and lets you know exactly wat the car is up too...tells you if you left a door open or if you forgot to lock it and well the list goes on recommend it to anyone in the market for an alarm (and it takes all the clifford add-ons too)
for sure theres not much in it,there all in the same region..but inch or a mile, its quicker.(p.s i slowed down in 4th and he keept on going to complete his loser fly-bye) dont want to get into a argument bout it. just saying its still a quick fun car and no need to think your not gonna get a quick car if you dont have a TT. just trying to put it in perspective.
No deniying a TT is very fast but then The N/A will beat almost all sports cars untill you hit The M3/Porche region. sumone earlyer said that there are sum new hot hatches around that will give the N/A a run for its money. me thinks not ..suposedly things like a Focus ST or civic Type R and Golf gti(new one),even bmw 330ci's or Focus RS will happily keep up...but then i speak form experiance and can tell you they cant! For sure when you have been in a TT i guess a N/a may seem tame but there just not slow by anyones standards. for me it was just a question of if i wanted a car that is faster than 99% of cars i meet(N/A) or 99.9% (TT) I think if you can afford a TT then feck it you only live once, but dont stretch to get a lame TT....a very well looked after N/A is gona be better than a dog of a TT!!
its with footman james...theres no limit on types of vehicle..its a 250 voluntry excess...its does comically however exclude: Skylines Evo's Scoobys but not supra.....was lucky there! and its cover for cars up to 15 i think...will have to check..have 9cars on the policy at the mo. includes my Mustang GT, Trans Am (yanks tend to bump it up the most) and Mclaren and its 3rd fire and theft