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Everything posted by 123tom123tom

  1. flash but cool, i am considering one, i like the 6.1 srt one with the adjustable exhaust note (brilliant)
  2. :)what about these, i am starting to love this car... there are cheaper ones??? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/579417.htm
  3. sorry to keep pestering on this guys but j4 on the emb board definatley has 2 pin and they are labelled 1 and 2 pin.... ie like the picture in the first post.... So should i just put the jumper on both pins or should i do as the diagram in the first post.... cheers:)
  4. i have also stuck with the auto box, but have put 3 large tranny coolers and tranny fluid filter in attemped to keep temps down. hopr it all works as i also love the auto box
  5. cheers ian and tricky, on the board it deffo says jp4 below the pins and it definatley has onlt two pins, so should i just put it on both those then??? cheers:)
  6. done that just now but i dont think he is on much these days according to other threads.
  7. no, struggling to care, it is his own fault, maybe he will learn from it.
  8. bumpty bump getting desperate;) wish someone would just say i will come round and give you my experienced opinion;) no but seriously am stuck any help will be appreciated. tom
  9. I have been having a few problems with my EMB and i am trying to eliminate certain problems. I have just been looking into the jumper settings and slightly confused. In the thread below Ian C who i know is like god when it comes to these EMB has confused me with his answers in regards to what the jumper settings should be. He mentions that Jump4 should be 2-3 but there is only two pins. Can anybody confirm definatley the jumper settings, i have looked at the thread below and the diagram attached. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=26490&highlight=jumper+settings cheers tom:)
  10. is that new plugs then or is there a way of cleaning them up. also still doent know the reason for the running rich when the emb is hooked up. I have changed the wiring on the harness to in-corperate the MAP sensor as i had it hooked to the MAF wiring. I have not changed the rotary settings inside the emb to 7,4,0 yet as that hasnt been confirmed yet. Mine is still set as MOHD site at 7,2,4 could this be a factor still:D
  11. right if the upper radiator pipe is getting hot and the lower one is cool what is wrong, am slightly worried some thing is wrong after i did the full flush and drop of the coolant. temp stays constant centre of the temp gauge.
  12. just took the emb off totally and put it back to oem and it still idles ruff as hell but the a/f's flicker between 14 and 15.5. But it is ruff like it is searching/missing. what next am confused to hell i am pulling all the harness out again and checking again all the connections. what else can check in regards to this issue, this issue whan the emb is hooked up started when i installed the ignition harness, but i have followed the guide on the MOHD page to the exact on everthing.
  13. right i havent tried the 7,4,0 yet but what does this symptom sound like. I start the car it idles ruff and the a/f's are from 14.o-15.0 then after about 20 sec the car starts to judder and the a/f's go to 10.0 So i turn it off quick.
  14. I have read the thread that homer did on this exact same problem. I have changed to the MAP sensor in the wiring as it, like you said wrong on the MOHD site , it uses the MAF setting. What do the rotary switch settings need to be at for a Jspec. i have them at 7,2,4
  15. ok new problem does anybody know where i can get the greddy wiring diagrams for the ignition harness and the main harness/injection. other than the MOHD one, just to compare as i think there is some problems with the one above. I have followed the wiring to exactly and checked/double checked it all. Now when i turn the car on it overfuels really bad the a/f's are 10.0 at idle and there is lots of smoke. What is this down too does any body know. :taped:
  16. might have one some where in the shed?
  17. right as some people may know, i have had some problems with my EMB but i think i finally got it (think) need some one to confirm. Ok the pics are poor but the laptop now says that the emb is online and i can choose all the items like (ignition timing, injector setings etc) pic with num 1 & 2, before these where greyed out and not able to be selected. The pics kind of show you what i mean..... but does thin now mean it is online or am i getting giddy for no reason. I rewired all the harness again putting the ignition timing wires in there also as advised by Homer, I used the MODH website for the wiring diagrams. This Thread relates to this issue i had: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=158378
  18. not bad for a runabout that mate:)
  19. if you ever need any windows we provide the best windows in the business, just ask any major builder and we are very competative on price, plus i can get them even cheaper that what we sell them at as i get 70% off, so if any body needs windows just contact me and i can sort you out.... any spec or style.... specially you builders out there that are building one offs etc i can sort you out.
  20. I can tell you now where all the money is for building, it is in the housing association sector. I prepare estimates for all major house building company's this includes Barratts, Taylor wimpey Group, Persimmon, Miller's. All these companies have stoped building on there sites and are now building to order basically. Or like i said the housing association side of things. The company i work for have the biggest relationship with the above companies and the one thing i know for sure is that they have downed tools on most sites until the new year. We have orders from them for over 126 million pound but they are not calling any of our products off. so it is a waiting game at the minute am affraid. We deal with a lot of small builders aswell and thay are our only source at the minute for money. So good luck is what is needed.
  21. help please, a know it is stupid question....
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