As I previously said this is all old hat now. Its got to the point where you can even predict what the answer to a question will be . I watched an episode recently while I was in a hotel in Brussels ( the only program on in English ) .This show is now more like a morons slapstick comedy , with all the predictability that it delivers . Newer , fresher talent is needed , if not then this dull boring shite will continue and what was once a good car show brought to its knees . But don't forget ,while watching this wholesale carnage, Messrs Clarkson , Hammond , and May , continue to sit back raking in the money . At least if it has to remain on its BBC slot put up some new concepts not the usual rubbish that's on series after series .So get rid of these oldies and get some new fresher talent that will put this show back on a "worth watching" foothold that it, and we, deserve.