Ok, so i,ll try to do some times, places etc,etc. What i was thinking is , if those coming from S Wales, meet at the Toby say Sunday 12th, at 11am ish . If there,s interest from any guys from further away, we can meet in Brecon . As this is just a blast over the Beacons you may want to do your own thing later. If we all were to meet at the rear of Tesco,s in their car park and go to get munchies at a pub . We can do some fun stuff after the pub. I,ll confirm all this in the next day or two. ( i,ll need to have a chat with Jon ( Suprasonic ) as he, seems the man , when it comes to the best roads , etc . Last thing, if you fancy this little Sunday jaunt , if you want me to book somewhere to eat let me know !!!!!!!