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Everything posted by tomgeer

  1. About £20 off amazon mate, have a quick search, you can get one with attachments fairly cheap.
  2. Slide hammer, couple of knocks and it'll fly out
  3. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?35919-ECU-Pinouts
  4. To be honest mate, don't take this the wrong way but I think you'll be lucky to get £100 for them, I've refurbed a few sets of lights and would only pay about £60 delivered for them to buy and restore. That is just my opinion though and you might get £100 if you are patient. Good luck with the sale
  5. tomgeer

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome Josh, nice car
  6. I've just fixed a minor gearbox leak on my car this weekend, I couldn't get the auto box sump to re-seal using rtv sealant after the service, in the end I made a cork gasket for it and it's holding nicely now, however this doesn't appear to be coming from the sump. Is it me or does it look like it is cracked around where its leaking?, what ever the problem is it should be too hard to trace looking at the amount of fluid your losing. Good luck
  7. Looks utter horse sh*t in my opinion Ed , I would advise removing it with immediate effect, completely cheapens the car but thats just my opinion and if you like it then who gives a crap
  8. Bye for now, I give it 10 months before you buy another supra
  9. I love this car it's one of my favourites on the forum, top work Ellis
  10. Good for you, the supra can still stand toe to toe with most cars in my opinion, you'll see some other nice cars if nothing else
  11. If you are buying a smaller bottle instead of renting most come with built in regulators, if you are renting a size Y or size W cylinder from someone like BOC you just need a standard argon regulator, a quick search on ebay will bring up hundreds i'd imagine.
  12. It might be okay doesn't look the best of quality to be honest, I would sooner go for this one to be honest (click link) but thats just my opinion, I know people who have SIP welders and they are budget machines but seem to be half decent quality. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SIP-S-I-P-04790-Migmate-135T-230v-Dual-Purpose-Gas-Gasless-Mig-Welder-Welding-/111050614153?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item19db21e589
  13. Welcome, and good luck with your search
  14. If you can afford it go for something like this , thats what i'd have http://www.migatronic.com/product%20finder/machines/machines/product%20list%20overview/pi
  15. I'll look but it is always a gamble buying second hand without testing it first, as long as it is described as working condition it should be fine. I forgot to mention, try to buy one that comes with the gas hose, fittings and also the argon regulator with it as these are extra costs you could do without (roughy £50 for a hose, fittings and regulator).
  16. Hi Kaan, If you're looking to do aluminium you'd need a AC/DC tig and they are expensive, honestly not worth investing in unless you are using it day in day out. For everything else brands to look at if buying second hand are Kempii, Lincoln, Migatronic etc, for cheaper options you could try SIP or GYS links below, there are some cheap chinese welders but i'd steer clear of them as I think the guarantee and after sales on them are terrible. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CEwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sipuk.co.uk%2Ftools%2Fsip_welding.html&ei=dcKjUfPNFsKb0wXSm4GgBQ&usg=AFQjCNF-iZFLYS8BJ50By4v8WSaA5cdd7A&sig2=zCzmTLpO-x1hQSKF6D7Z9g http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CFcQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gys.fr%2F%3Flang%3Den&ei=bMOjUYniDY6R0QXbg4GQBA&usg=AFQjCNG_00WM_kqTyU3gjIv0Nnp-eCIRCQ&sig2=aA0dvBBlFyGaA3Hfi99N5Q Have a read up on the sites but you'll probably just need something like a 160a tig for carbon steel or stainless work.
  17. No problem The higher amperage welders aren't really necessary for what you want, anything under 200a should be fine but aim for a 160-180a or something like that, you'll probably only be using it on lower power settings anyway. Invertor welders are a better choice as they use less electricity by converting AC to DC electronically so less chance of tripping your house electric supply or blowing fuses constantly, they are lighter and better technology than the big heavy rectifiers used in older welders. If I were you i'd be looking for a machine that uses 0.8mm mig wire, good luck with the search.
  18. Look for a second hand invertor mig welder on ebay or a pulse mig if you are planning on doing a fair bit of aluminium work, it'll help if it has a short lance as aluminium wire struggles to travel along them, i'm not saying you won't find something for £200, you might get lucky but you generally get what you pay for. You'll probably get a second hand workshop mig for around £200 (makes sure it's single phase and not 3 phase electric), don't forget to factor in the price of your welding wire, spare tips and also your gas hire, you can buy medium size cylinders now for about £150 then it costs about £45 for a re-fill which is what I do, to be honest you are probably as well to hire one from BOC or someone which is about £100 for the year but you'll rarely need a re-fill on a large argo-shield cylinder.
  19. If you want to weld aluminium properly you should buy an AC/DC tig welder but they aren't cheap, you can weld aluminium with some mig welders but you'll need a smooth liner for your lance and aluminium wire which is expensive and pure argon for gas. Welding aluminium with mig is do-able but nowhere near as tidy a job as it is with tig and its easy to put too much heat into the metal so it takes a bit of practice. All mig and tig welders need a shield gas to weld with (that gasless flux wire is cr*p don't bother with it), migs generally use argoshield gas which is a mixture of argon and CO2. If I were you i'd buy a mig welder as they are easier to use, kempii minarc 180's are brilliant little welders for thinner metals but again aren't cheap, expect to pay around £450-600 for a second hand one, they're are okay from about 0.3mm steel upto about 6-8mm plate, they'll also weld aluminium with the above listed alterations, they are also semi auto setting if you desire so you can just adjust your plate thickness on the display and then weld without having to mess about with power and wire feed speed. All migs will weld stainless, you just need to use stainless wire, you can weld stainless with standard mig wire but the weld will rust so its not recommended. Stay clear of arc welders, they are for farmers and not suitable for automotive work. Hope that helps
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