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Everything posted by probrox

  1. probrox

    Little B******S!

    I lived in Headingley on Bainbridge Road. I saw this happening at least twice. Same boy on his own both times outside my house. I did'nt drive at the time fortunately so no car outside. B******s
  2. With the TomTom function would i still need a reciever of some sort? Never had one so not sure how it works.
  3. I'm interested, what are the other goodies?
  4. Where in Suffolk are you? I'm in Ipswich and i need a spare set so i can get mine refurbed.
  5. probrox

    Sky+ question

    I got Sky+ about two months ago. The price Sky gave me started off at £229 and i haggled them down to £99. Told them my mate had just had sky plus installed free of charge. They said it was due to him being a new subscriber. I of course argued that this meant he had never given them a penny whereas i have been a sky subscriber for 5 years, so any deal you can give him i deserve too. They eventually agreed:d
  6. Nice one, just set Sky+ to record it. Thanks
  7. Everything he said is true and completely non-offensive. Definately the attitude our Government needs
  8. Probably a stupid question but is this different to the clutch in the NA because my clutch has just started slipping?
  9. How do you do that then? I've put everything on an external hard drive but can't get the ps3 to read from it.
  10. Any idea on the cost of the clutch to replace, and is a racing or fast road clutch much more?
  11. thats what i figured but its not slipping in 5th at all, just really bad in 4th
  12. Over the last week my clutch seems to have been slipping quite badly but only in fourth gear. There is no slipping in any other gear at all. Also been getting squeaking from the clutch pedal. Is this a knackered clutch or could there be another explanation?
  13. me three, but i bought £20 worth of tickets:rolleyes:
  14. probrox

    Custom My Ride

    I watched this for the first time yesterday, and it was the Shelby Mustang. Absolutely love that car. Definately better than Pimp My Ride, especially the UK version with Westwood.
  15. I'm on the essex/suffolk border just above Colchester, probably about an hour from Southend.
  16. probrox

    Trial Rear

    After seeing the pics I've decided I'm definately getting one. Any idea on prices from people on here as opposed to ebay?
  17. probrox

    Trial Rear

    Thinking of sticking a trial rear on the supe, but just wondered if anyone had any pics on a black car with standard spoiler. Also are there still rear spats with the trial rear or is it all one piece. Oh yeah, does anyone know the best place to get one. Are the replikits version on fleabay any good?
  18. Very, very tempted!! Unfortunately they're short staffed at work so I can't get away before 5pm. D'oh!! Shame because I'm at college in Chelmsford tomorrow so no rushing back to work.
  19. Could make things interesting lol. At least I'll have something to keep my hands occupied.
  20. I went to the doctors last night to get some of the new tablets you can use. pick the prescription up tomorrow. Tried a couple of timesbefore but I discovered I have no willpower at all. Anyone else tried the tablets? Called Champix I think. They reckon they've got a much higher success rate than patches, gum etc. Really hope so.
  21. They were just pulling away and still had the windows open. Heard them all laughing until they saw me coming. The one who'd just got in saw me coming and got them to stop again. Bloody good job cause I'm unfit and was half pissed at the time after a few sunday afternoon beers.
  22. I get 250 miles at most from a tank, and i've only got a N/A. Compared to the TT figures this can't be right!
  23. Do you reckon i've got any chance of getting a hire car? I was thinking the car would probably be in and out of the garage in a day.
  24. Neither could i, just glad i decided to be nosy. I expected more from them. Are you talking as a fireman or someone with experience?
  25. So i'm just sitting down watching telly and i see flashing lights going past the side of my house (which only leads to parking area round the back). Naturally I went up stairs to have a peek out the window. Turned out it was just some muppett with a big bonfire burning old tyres. Firemen proceed to put it out and jump back in the engine, then realise they cant turn round. One got out and stood in front of my car while the driver reversed. Unforunately it must take longer for the sound to reach him in the front because he seemed to completely ignore the bloke behind shouting stop. Reversed straight into my rear bumper and the fireman standing between. Fireman got out unhurt but the car took a dent and some scratches while i looked out in horror and shouted obscenities. To top it off the bloke behind jumped in the cab and they tried to scarper. Only just caught them. Thouroughly unimpressed. Another damn insurance claim to sort out:( Has anyone had any similar experiences with emergency services? Just wondering how long its likely to take to sort out and what my chances are of getting a new, but different rear end out of it.
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