For the last few months it has just been junk hence my weight now:
Skip Breakfast (maybe a sausage roll at work if someone buys them)
Sandwich for lunch (with whatever cakes/biscuits are around the office)
Generally unhealthy dinner followed by evening snacks
Fluids - generally about 4 cups of coffee, 4 cups of tea and diet soft drinks.
Since starting on training though I have had the following:
Breakfast - Protein shake and 5g creatine
Lunch - Protein shake and 5g Creatine
Dinner 5g Creatine and Chicken breast or steak with salad
No snacks
Fluids - 2 cups of coffee, 1 cup of tea and about 7 glasses of water (been getting pretty thirsty, due to the creatine I think)
I haven't been intentionally starving myself, I just haven't been hungry with the shakes. I'm happy to eat, just haven't bothered because I wasn't sure what I needed to eat to get results.
I need something fairly quick for breakfast and some ideas on what to eat at lunchtime. I'll probably stick with meat and salad for dinner and add in a sweet potato for the carbs.
With the cardio I was hoping to diet some of the weight off first and then begin cardio. At the moment if I go out running etc I tend to get lower back problems due the high impact. Due to how unfit I am, I'm pretty shattered after doing the weights.