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Everything posted by Scooter

  1. I took the Astrazenica twice then no more. Not keen on the MRNA ones, and that was all that was available by the time of the boosters (Astrazenica removed for clotting risk by then!). WIfe had the booster early (carer) and got covid shortly after, was in bed for 2 days. I didn't get it at the time so given that I didn't have the booster. Re my heart attack, there is family history, Cousin had one a few years back and an Uncle, now in his 80's had one in his 50's, and I did abnormal exercise so not putting it down to the jabs at all, but I do appreciate that some suffered injury directly after taking it and given the ineffectiveness on stopping transmission I beleive it was a waste and risk giving it to the youthful. It's a rabbit hole if you go looking but there were some interesting US army findings and since a number of out spoken people (few as it puts them at risk re jobs/professional status) and they are doing it against the main stream and with seemingly little to gain, and lots to lose, which makes me take notice.......their motivation seems to be truth/understanding driven. My brother and a friend currently have it, seems like a fatigue/run down/man flu effect only for them so far.
  2. I have a good original one (is the UK one the same as Jspec?)
  3. I 'only' had the x2 Astrazeneca ones, those that were withdrawn here eventually and banned in Denmark quite quickly (just looked this up and they banned it completely a week before the first of my two jabs!) The reason was rare blood clots, one definite known death in Denmark. On the run up to the booster time around Christmas, my wife had it a few months before, then got covid again and was wiped out and in bed (rare for her) for a couple of days, I didn't get it and so anecdotally thought the booster wasn't worth it, and it was all the MRNA only ones by then. I don't know what to think of much these days but I won't be having more booster shots at present, it's an interesting topic now the dust and emotions have settled, I would say that there are a number of people such as the guy above that seemingly have little ulterior motives, just have an interest and find it incredulous that officialdom doesn't. Saying that, walking the dogs, tinkering with the cars, staying in the real world bubble and enjoying the company of friends and family seems more valuable and healthy for day to day.
  4. It's good to try and cut down for sure but I 'think' the booze isn't as high a factor as the other other stuff. I likened my situation to a sewer 'fat bomb' where a narrowing naturally becomes the place for more deposits to gather hence the narrowing and where a clot will lodge. It was interest that the discharge nurse said they still don't really know why/in exactly what circumstances this occurs/initiates but " Before a heart attack, 1 of the plaques bursts (ruptures), causing a blood clot to develop at the site of the rupture" basically your body responds to the 'cut' and does it's clotting thing automatically, which isn't so helpful when it's an Artery! I have no idea of the cost of this sort of thing, but this was basically what they did to me, and everywhere else was relatively fine, but I'm sure if I'd have had this routine (but no doubt pricey!) procedure ahead of time it would have been spotted and I could have been stented pre potential attack? https://www.hcahealthcare.co.uk/tests-and-scans/coronary-angiogram?infinity=ict2~net~gaw~cmp~BAU - LDN SL - Cardiology - Category A~ag~Coronary Angiogram~ar~698187455004~kw~private angiogram~mt~e&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwpbi4BhByEiwAMC8JnYWptrsTPXjd84DUMuu3y2bvNrfWbGt1BdQDx3zoG9RO9OACoBXb8BoC1WUQAvD_BwE Only saying this for general info, as I was semi ignorant of it all, not you specifically I'm sure you are fine, meds and lifestyle changes are crucial which you've taken seriously, did they advise aspirin also for you?
  5. I had high blood pressure too and was at the "shall we do statins" chat point. I am on Ramipril now, 7started at 2.5mg now on 7.5mg and working up to 10mg, as they are testing be kidney function with each 2.5mg uplift. Massive well done on the exercise and weight loss, I've been trying to cut out as much sugar as possible, my only real vice or where I've been bad in my life. Barely drink no smoking, not huge (always been around 88kg), just need to keep active, office jobs are killers for this, but the dogs are great! If this thread even gets someone to buy a cheap blood pressure monitor it'll have done some good, there are so many medicines and other advice/help to get this down as it's a big contributing factor. Re the car, I'd say just buy something! everything has it's faults, just buy with your heart and then research the best independent garages nearby If you don't know what to get chose one and buy it privately as close to the WBAC price as you can so you can exit to another at a reasonable cost. Had my 'new' 635D a few days now and it's impressed me and is ridiculous vfm, like the Supra's used to be.........I have looked at their faults too but I'll cross that bridge etc!
  6. Yep so glad I took the plunge with my first way back in 1999! Such a trustworthy dependable and capable car, back in 2001, still in my 20's and having a 160 mph run down an airstrip, trips to Santa pod, when there was little on the roads to match the Supra, RX7 and Skyline crowd, times I'll never forget and money very well spent!
  7. Cheers, I did have those give up work (stress also a factor), take a year out discussions, but there are responsibilities and the bills don't pay themselves, but I going to make sure I keep an eye on things and put myself first more, take breaks when I need to etc. You can't live your life like todays your last day all the time but I agree with the sentiment of that quote and you can perhaps tweak things, bring stuff forward, procrastinate less etc.
  8. Thanks Rider, I honestly consider myself very lucky and feel fine really, just aware of my mortality more and frankly everyone else I know. Many have said that if they had to guess who might have one in our peer group I wouldn't have been high up on the list, personally I think Diet/Sugar and Hereditary factors and perhaps years of low activity then overdoing it on this one occasion? But when I read about recovery online, there are fit people in their 30's having them. I had my 3 month follow up with the cardiologist the other week and other than popping pills they don't perceive the need, at this stage, to monitor me after the year is out and again positive. Sounds like you are doing a lot of planning, tricky decision to make, sounds like you could retire tomorrow though! but it's always a balance and have to do the right thing for you
  9. 9 years, time flies, glad you still have it and hope it's not been too much hassle.......my due diligence buying that one (sight unseen from Ireland) wasn't the best!
  10. I do keep looking at Supra's, but I just have this value for money aspect ingrained in me! and having been an owner all through the unbelievable value and performance years I now see the high prices and no longer the pinnacle of performance as a difficult equation to justify. The BMW's currently hitting the VFM spot for me (purchase price wise at least) reliability is definitely not so great! I'm lucky it wasn't scary at the time, I could have walked onto the ambulance, always just chatting to the paramedics, no distress, drowsy but not totally out during the procedure, lady doctor even showed me the clot when she'd got it out and also the before and after blood flow to prove her good work! The outcome/future and 'what if' part is a bit more of the issue, but I have a 80+ year old uncle that also had a heart attack around my age, so that and that when in there they didn't find lots of arterial narrowing, that I've been on a physio rehab course and am free to exercise, means I'm positive and as Rider says it could be something else. It's just one of life's curve balls we all get in some form or other.
  11. Just checking back in with a cautionary tale, a cathartic post but perhaps also one that can give someone reading this some future helpful info or a nudge to maybe do something, make a positive move, or some other motivational bollocks So 6 months after selling the Supra, and settling with the BMW's and a crappy V70 commuter, I went and had a heart attack in May ( the day after the Northern Lights were visible, when I was still only 50). It wasn't a cardiac arrest situation, really quite undramatic and so I just wanted to spread the word that feeling a bit funny/faint/exhausted (I was exercising abnormally hard) seemingly recovering ok but having a lingering dull ache (like indigestion) is worth a quick A&E visit or 999 call. You can be checked very quickly for an irregular ECG, you won't be waiting for hours to be seen. Time is crucial and delays damaging to various degrees (not sure what would have happened if I could have dropped off to sleep that night), so I now have one stent, and am on quite a few pills, but you wouldn't know to look at me anything has ever happened, hell I don't even feel bad now at all. I just get 'puffy' quicker when exercising, because of some heart muscle damage (delay of perhaps 8 hours in treatment - hence spreading the word) and a now reduced "ejection fraction" my pump is worn! but I am at least cleared/free to do that and so really it's had some positive outcomes as well. So just keep an eye on the people you know or refresh yourself on warning signs and encourage anyone when appropriate to just get checked to be on the safe side, as with early intervention this sort of thing can be an 'almost' non event, certainly treatable with drugs and non invasive surgery, or it can lead to the worst outcome. To lighten the mood, I have full on lost the plot and treated myself to another 6 series a 635D (pick it up Friday) to replace the V70 as life's too short right! Take care everyone (and get out and bloody drive those Supra's! saw a lovely one at Littlehampton McDonalds the other weekend and that's the first one I've seen in ages)
  12. x2 thin front turbo pipes, pin holed on me one time, when I took them off they were very crusty/brittle. (gaffer tape and then generic hose would have fixed this on a tour) Check your front main hose droop (towards the viscous fan)? You could take a load of hose that's the appropriate sizes? Do a decent length UK road trip / shake down / stress test? Do some European Supra research, find the SRD's of the countries you are travelling through? so worse case you can get local recovery (research them too maybe?) to drop you somewhere useful that can get you going again? It'll be a lovely trip
  13. do you know how it normally works? The outer part always spins (without the belt its very free running) but the inner bit only spins when the aircon is on and even then it cycles between spinning and not spinning. If you reached in and grabbed the inner cylinder/lip you should be able to rotate it a little and the belt won't move, it's independent to the outer ring until it's electro magnetically brought together.
  14. We do pop in and see the progress, Supra wise I now live vicariously through you guys!
  15. Does the Alternator plug/pins have any white residue on them?
  16. Wow a real blast from the past, I remember you chasing drag times in my early days, parts prices and availability is an issue these days, but you can still generally get what you need. Homer (I think you should remember?) has recently got a semi shell back up together. Realistically how far off running is the TT?
  17. Doesn't this point to the steering wheel switch gear (and round piece around the steering column - forget the name) or wiring from it being duff? Can you look to power up the things that don't work directly/closer as I suspect they'll work and they just aren't getting the right signal from the regular controls/switch gear?
  18. 99% the lights will go once a new alternator is fitted. Reasonable ones on ebay, I'd just check the plastic connector is the same as yours and get one. You can probably get your original refurbished to rather than bin it.
  19. "But decided to take it easy and head back but not long after it started loosing power again, chugging along and dash lights getting dimmer and dimmer until there was some clicking around the dash (solenoids I presume) and the engine died." This defo sounds like alternator to me, the only time a Supra has left me waiting for an AA man I had the same, lights dimming and engine cut out, AA tested the alternator, kaput, popped a new battery in from his van and drove the over 10 miles back on that while he follow behind. Your battery history/fast drain could have been the alternator deteriorating and not just the battery being old, it just might not have been getting much charge) I personally would get a new battery, pop it on and if it starts then get a volt meter and check it reads somewhere near 14 volts (proves the alternator is charging).
  20. Old thread and pics missing but hopefully helpful
  21. I'd like to get £400 for it ideally? I'm based near Guildford Surrey GU8
  22. Glad you are enjoying getting your teeth into it, I have never been confident/capable re electrics hence why the radio wasn't even investigated/fixed, I only ever swapped in a Chris Wilson FDC for the HKS one when I was chasing the poor boosting initially. Once I sorted the boosting out by taking it back to just a restrictor ring and boost gauge not using the controller I left it all as it, just serviced it and did a few thousand miles a year, fun but uneventful bar the front bumper issues, minor speedbump scuffs me, crack/plaster a careless McLaren employee! It needed someone with the time and skills to give the tidy/tlc it needed so glad it's getting that. It might make you poor getting it back looking OEM but I'm certain it'll churn out the miles nicely in the meantime and thereafter. I'm not missing it as much as I feared I might (yet), the second turbo pull I'm trying to forget when in the very linear V8. I don't think Martin (guy I got it from is still active), Andrew (SupraAyf) definitely is and I'm sure he'll enjoy seeing it back to its former glory, he had it when it was a pristine fresh import, he got the kit all fitted and over serviced/barely used it, the best sort of previous owner!!
  23. I have a x2 used viscous fan/clutch thingies if you haven't sorted that yet, one unknown miles, one low mile very good/clean one?
  24. So you had the fuel pump running by bridging the ports and heard the fuel flowing but it wouldn't start? it just turnover over, no coughs splutters or anything? You've swapped the ECU too so unlikely it's that (be perhaps ideal to check in another car but I appreciate that's not easy) So doesn't that leave us back to spark? grounding issues maybe https://www.supraforums.com/threads/2jzge-no-spark-help-pls.629999/
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