Never bothered with plenty of fish, as heard bad feedback from friends. I went onto match instead and had a quite a lot of success! Currently settling down nicely with girlfriend My intro paragraph went like this:
Hi *Username*
I really enjoyed reading your profile and would like to get to know you a little better if possible? (Note if they haven't put a biography and just have photo's use the word viewing and add the line "I'm not quite sure what you're after in a man?") Assuming they've written something in a bio or have something you'd like to know more about now is the time to ask it! E.g. I see you like supra's and own one! do you go to any meets etc.? As this shows you're actually interested in them as a person and not just the jaw dropping goddesslike body you 'paused' on while viewing their snaps on their beach holiday last year!!
Then comes the 'hook'
Please head over to my profile and if it generates a spark of interest as yours did with me, send me a message and we can go from there!
best regards,
HTH short and to the point (don't write a huge intro as it's time consuming and has a negative effect showing too keen and needy) Also don't just say hi as it shows too little effort!
Top tip: your photos are where most men f*ck up! Don't under any circumstances do 'hoff' poses on the bonnet of the supra! or the like! If in doubt get a female friend to vet them for you! As what we as men think is funny or cool definitely doesn't press the right buttons on first impressions!