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Everything posted by Cass

  1. I'm looking for an aftermarket splitter for the stock front bumper. My front bumper got ripped off lastnight and had to sorce a stock one to put on,but looks very odd. Anyone got one kicking about?
  2. Cass

    How do i look?

    You look like my Wife
  3. Cass

    cheeky git

    Nothing a 12 bore shotgun won't sort out
  4. Not quite the same. I ruptured the protective fatty stuff in my shoulder ball joint in Northern Ireland 1999 and went for an MRI scan because it had calsified and turned to hard bone. I got an Op and had the bone space chisled out so i could move it again. Now i have atharitis and tendon damage in my arm and back. Light sport is ok but rugby for eg is out.Sometimes even fishing is painfull. Cass.
  5. Rock Climbing and Whale Hunting
  6. Cass

    Git in a Supra

    The fact that Supra owners were the getting singled out and getting told we think we are better than everyone else for having them,is pretty much everyone on an Owners club. That was all i was saying,not speaking for any one Indaviduals thoughts as a group.
  7. Cass

    Git in a Supra

    Yes 15 years ago it was exclusive. If our cars looked all the same what would we talk about on the forum?It would be pretty boaring realy. But anyone who goes and puts stickers to any car needs a good talking to. Most younger people now are easily influensed by Movies ie F&F and Chav mags like Max Power and want thier car to look like them and on todays pay rates they can only afford cheap tacky parts instead of tuning and modifying properly if thats the road they want to go down.
  8. Cass

    Git in a Supra

    I think we were all being Insulted by the offending coment by DaveK in the first place.Mabey my choice of words were wrong Edited Yes its true we could afford a Focus or some other car,but we choose to buy and drive the Supra because we don't want to be part of the rat race and drive Commen cars. You drive down a busy street behind a Boy Racer Focus Or Corsa for eg... and how many people stop and admire them? and watch how many stop,look and sometimes take pictures of the Supra. Its not the fact we think we are better than everyone else,but more the fact we love the car.If offered a Ferrari or a Supra i'd still take the Supra.Its not about how old the car is or how much they cost. I think the Spirit and passion of why we want to drive the Supra is getting sadly lost in this thread. Here endith my rant. Cass.
  9. Cass

    Git in a Supra

    Two words "Get Real"
  10. Cass

    Sex in a Supra

    I only looked because i thought someone actually managed to fit 2 people in the back
  11. Henk : ViperHenk smarty : smarty79 Pig : Supra_Pig Cable : Cable AE86 MrHanky : MrHankyXmasP00 (the 00 in poo are zeros ) tDR : tDR SCO SupraJames : Franmaster RobDogg : RobDogg69 Nathman : Nathmanic Jason : SupraJason Alan999 : Cuki999 venkor : oristrome edd_t : Supra Edd Chumpalot : Sir Chumpalot pistol_pete : supraTTpistol Supra_dan : cyph3r dwj bright_1 : ANENGLISHNUTTER Trig : Thestig10uk JustGav : JustGav The_Restorer : The Restorer Lebsteif : Lebsteif DodgyRog : DodgyRog Jive : Jive1311 M4rk rz: M4rkrz Oddball : PLees69 Dan - DannoSupra MarkyMark:markymark10000 ry4n : CyBeZ Cass :-Cass2JZGTE
  12. Cass


    Yea mate my plugs are cool for cats (Iridiums) And Coil Pack is as if New. But im the same 0.7 bar boost and car shakes and splutter missfires.
  13. Cass


    Nope just the Stock T/C. Ive checked all vsv's.EGCV and Actuator and vac hoses and all ok. Is this sounding the same as yours Marty?
  14. Cass


    I have the very same drama just now When car is boosting on 2nd tubby it shudders like mad and if i ease off it boosts again. But my boost is only going to 0.6 instead of 1.2. Sometimes if i go to pull of at a junction for eg The revs just sit at idle and dont go up. My Throttle and Sub Throttle sensors are ok and Butterfly isnt sticking,so im lost on this one aswell.
  15. Ill take the Active spoiler bit as thats all i need so i can put a standard bumper on my car so it doesn't look to high Price?
  16. I may be interested in the Front bumper as my Top Secret is fooked.
  17. Cass

    F.a.o. Admin

    Not to worry mate lol Anything on the morrow ?
  18. Cass

    F.a.o. Admin

    Darragh all good things come to those who wait
  19. No one even a small idea of what is wrong????
  20. Okey dokey i'm having a wierd Boost from the change over to the 2nd tubby. The car seems to stutter and judder and shake into boost when the foot is down and the Exhaust splutters,but if i take the foot off a bit the boost picks up with none of the above. I had changed a few Vacume hoses from the EGCV VSV and it stopped for a few hours ,but its back again. It only seems to read around stock boost aswell 0.8 bar not the previous 1.2. Any ideas
  21. Cass

    Crail Raceway.

    I made a racket with my Bee*R in the carpark and i never went any where either lol
  22. Cass

    Crail Raceway.

    The track was a bit damp at first for some good launches,but dried out not to bad at the end of the day. I would of put her on,but im having dramma with a vsv at the mo as she judders into 2nd tubby boost.And not sure what one is giving me jip. I thought th capri would of done better tho.
  23. Cass

    Crail Raceway.

    Yep that was me lol I seen you were busy so left you to it. I was watching saying to my mate dammm i sould of put the car on the drag
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