I think we were all being Insulted by the offending coment by DaveK in the first place.Mabey my choice of words were wrong Edited
Yes its true we could afford a Focus or some other car,but we choose to buy and drive the Supra because we don't want to be part of the rat race and drive Commen cars.
You drive down a busy street behind a Boy Racer Focus Or Corsa for eg... and how many people stop and admire them? and watch how many stop,look and sometimes take pictures of the Supra.
Its not the fact we think we are better than everyone else,but more the fact we love the car.If offered a Ferrari or a Supra i'd still take the Supra.Its not about how old the car is or how much they cost.
I think the Spirit and passion of why we want to drive the Supra is getting sadly lost in this thread.
Here endith my rant.