What a night!
After posting my last post at 3.15am i thought all was good but approx at 4am my son woke up screaming in pain.
He's temp had dropped down to approx 35 degress so phoned up A+e who said they couldn't do nothing for him as i needed to take him to heartlands or childrens hospital in Brum because they have more resources for young children.
Drove down to heartlands with him screaming and crying in the car which were the longest 20 mins of my life!
Got their and the staff were no where as near as good as Solihull hospital were i had been earlier and gave him some calpol and was told to wait for a doctor to see him.
This was approx 4.30 am and i gave up waiting for a doctor at 7.40 am as my son's temp had stabled and bp was fine.
When i had got to A+E, i was the only one their and they weren't even busy.
After waiting 3 hours with 1 hour of trying to calm my son down, i got told the doctor would be starting his shift at 8am and i was 3rd in line so would probably have got seen to at around 9am!
I decided to go home and see my GP in the morning which i did at 11 am and all he said is more calpol as well!
Could not believe heartlands hospital making me wait over 3 hrs and not even having a doctor available..................its a fecking hospital for god's sake.
Anyway seems a bit better now but will be montiring him closely today and hope fully get some kip later as i've been up all night.
Thanks to everyone for their help and support.