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Hi Class One, Sorry about the post. We do deal with numerous forums and are used to helping out members in need - thus the post. I've immediately removed the offending link pending advice from the Forum Heirarchy now that our original e-mailed enquiry had been located for review. Kind regards Tony Ps. Sorry Daston you'll have to wait until we're approved (assuming we are).
Hi Ric, After your kindly providing further information, I've managed to use this to negotiate an enhanced refund with the Underwriter concerned. You'll find full details within a PM, but it is good news. A point that I wish to reiterate is that we are here to help, it was just by chance that I found Ric's post which led to my intervention and if anyone covered with us is experiencing problems simply contact our office. Although you get the same result in the end it's far quicker to contact us immediately rather than post upon forums that we have no connection with. Dont suffer in silence - this happened nearly a year ago (in the days before we had our latest import scheme). Kind regards Tony
Post edited by Greenlight pending reaching agreement with Forum heirarchy.
Hi Jazz, If you'd like a quotation and have 5 mins spare, you can either log onto http://www.greenlightinsurance.com or call us on 01277 263030. Benefits wise, we offer all the traditional cover features that you would expect from an Insurance provider (ie. windscreen cover, audio cover, courtesy car for repairs, £100k legal expenses cover). In addition to the above, under most of our specialist policies we also offer: 1) Like for like replacement of modified parts 2) Agreed value (subject to assessment) 3) Track cover (for existing policyholders - can purchase per event) Simply explain what youre looking for at the point that you look to source cover. Kind regards Tony
Linda, In response to your post, we have never sought to aim at problematic elements of the community (male or female) and as a matter of fact Saxo's are excluded under our performance schemes. Our stance is to cover performance cars (modified or standard) it's all we do and have done since our launch back in early 1996. Underwriting wise, there is no male vs female bias - both sexes began by being rated upon an equal/level basis and our rating has evolved to reflect our live claims experience. Thus the main performance/modified car schemes we use do not reflect a driver discount based upon sex that is commonplace under other providers. No additional test (written or otherwise) is required, simply a decent driving history (ie. no series of incidents where driving at fault) along with driving experience of a performance car. The post was not intended to be sexist and if that is how it came across I apologise, as there was no offense intended. I was simply attempting to put across our stance, namely that we rate all risks upon merit according to our historic claims experience. Kind regards Tony
Hi Linda, We do cover women upon performance cars, but our historic claims experience of female drivers upon high performance vehicles is that for every £1 we receive in premium we currently pay out £3.62. There are plenty of Underwriters who target female drivers (ie. Sheila's wheels, Lady Diamond) that are total advocates for lady drivers and their stats reflect a different story to ours. Unlike Greenlight, the difference seems to be that Diamond & co do not target high performance or modified vehicles. Some Insurers reduce premiums where female drivers are named/added to male driver policies, but this isnt a practice that we follow - we prefer to add drivers upon their merit. In our experience lady drivers are a minority when it comes to high performance & modified cars, thus the £3.62 for every £1 doesnt hurt the Underwriter too much. Seriously though, no offense is meant it's just rate wise, we do not allow concessions for lady drivers and generally rate in a similar way to male drivers providing driving experience is good. Kind regards Tony
The last contact made (ie. 12th June) was by using the "contact us" facility at the bottom of all pages. When a reply was not forthcoming we registered for the purpose of attempting to contact the forum heirarchy - presumably this caused the discrepancy in usernames. Kind regards Tony
Hi Thorin, Our online application doesnt actually ask a target premium (never has), so any premium similarity would be a total coincidence. Hopefully we can organise a mkivsupra scheme for all members, which will involve a members concession from our standard rating for these vehicles, but as a goodwill gesture in the meantime I have allowed the concession that you would receive under the scheme and re-emailed your revised quotation to you. Kind regards Tony
No Worries people (and well found Mawby - you may want to get that *cough* looked at ). We've a pedigree for covering the type of cars you drive and we primarily target male drivers through the performance media, owners clubs & forums. Our staff all currently own/drive or have had a modified/performance car and understand the vehicles, impact of specific modifications and mentality (ie positive moral risk aspect of someone thats endeared to their car - not just a piece of metal or A-to-B). We had negotiated a scheme expansion in the import area and thus contacted you after a nudge (or five) from members that were covered by us. Greenlight arent mainstream by any stretch as we purely cover performance/modified cars for male drivers. We have UK based staff and only deal with Insurers with UK based claims staff for our specialist schemes. Forum wise, once youve digested our prospective scheme options & cover we do look to maintain a vigil, interacting and offering qualified advice to members upon the forum in respect of Insurance issues (whether covered with us or not). There are plenty of examples of us doing the years with other Forums, which can easily be seen if required - kind of a reference as to what we do. Our benefits are relevant to the area in which we have always traded - specialist vehicles. We're not always going to be the cheapest for everone as we are geared to "large print" rather than small print and overtly offering the best cover we can rather than a cheap price with a 'hope I dont need to claim' approach. Cover is good and benefits are relevant, we remain competitive by excluding unprofitable risk profiles rather than subsidising historically costly areas/profiles which can "P" people off who are outside of our criteria - but we do it to remain competitive and will always substantiate the business position for doing so whenever required. To summarize, Greenlight are different and are not your usual 'men in grey'. Kind regards Tony
Thanks Wkd.. Having seen the spec/pics - you've done a great job with your car. Assuming we get some decent volume and profit upon the new imported schemes im fairly convinced that we will be able to cater for this by the end of the year, but as it stands we do have a few restrictions. Primarily postcode area's, Drivers must be aged 21+, Drivers must have at least 1 years NCB in their own name. Again, assuming we do something with the forum (ie. theyre happy for us to interact) we'll post as the import scheme expands. Kind regards Tony
Ric has kindly PM'd me his details to allow me to look into this for him, which i'm keen to do. My checking the site was driven by suggestions from members and was not as a result of a search engine placement. I had used the 'contact us' option at the bottom of the forum to outline what we were looking to do but never received a response and registered as Tony@Greenlight with a view to contacting 'the powers that be'. When doing so I searched for Greenlight and found Ric's plight, then have taken this on to investigate. My intention is not to gatecrash the forum and offer active involvement upon any forum until we have the agreement of the forum Admin/Moderators. But with Ric's problems I felt this merited a post or two and apologise to anyone offended by 'corporate intervention' upon your forum without prior involvement & authority of Admin/Moderators. Kind regards Tony
Hi wkd, I've been tied up in meetings for most of today, but appreciate your trying us for a quotation. Our panel Underwriters had excluded imported vehicles for ages, primarily due to parts availability and the knock on costs with importing parts, extended hire/courtesy car & storage. Ultimately we're about covering performance cars (both modified & standard). Cars that people aspire to own and as a result take good care of. Having analysed the specifics, most of the parts problems are attributed to Subaru UK not supporting supply/repair of parts - we used this information and requested a review with our panel Underwriters who have agreed to reinstate certain import models. The Supra, Celica, Skyline, Pulsar, RX models, Honda Civic type r models are now included upon our acceptable vehicles. We have a broader panel of Insurers for UK models than for imported models right now. Benefit wise, you get the usual benefits that you expect from an Insurer (ie. Comp cover has windscreen, audio, european cover, legal expenses cover, courtesy cars), but in addition we also have the following available under most schemes: 1) Like for like replacement of damaged/stolen modified parts 2) Agreed value option 3) Track cover option It's early days as this is only a recent enhancement, thus there are some restrictions at the moment (postcode area's being one of them) until we build up a proven block of import business - then we can lobby for further scheme expansion. Naturally we will look to expand this asap but at this stage we felt something was better than nothing and if we can help most of you then thats a start. Kind regards Tony
Dear Ric, Having been recommended to contact mkivsupra.net by members that have used our services in the past with a view to enacting a members discount scheme that can be added to your panel, I proceeded to search for any comments about greenlight - at which point I found your DO NOT USE GREENLIGHT post. As the Senior Partner at Greenlight I always look to maintain a good image and ensure that customers are treated fairly, thus wish to investigate your comments further. Greenlight were established in 1996 to purely cater for the performance/modified vehicle enthusiast, our staff are comprised of people who own/drive performance/modified cars and we have a good technical knowledge of vehicles & modifications. Benefit wise, we offer like-for-like replacement of modified parts, agreed value & track cover are also both options. With regard to premium finance (the reason for this topic), in the same way that Adrian flux, sky, AA, Elephant/Admiral/Bell and pretty much every other Insurance broker/provider does, if the Underwriter in question does not have a direct debit option and our customer requires instalments we have to source finance from a premium finance company. This option, along with the interest charges/instalment amounts are always confirmed via the telephone when arranging the policy, you also receive a finance application with ALL details reiterated and figures clearly explained. In addition the respective finance company also sends a welcome pack with full details enclosed. Both the finance application and the welcome pack offer a 14 day cancellation option for individuals who change their mind with regard to the finance. Naturally there are always two sides to every story, we have heard one side and clearly we would appreciate the opportunity to investigate and respond. I'm sorry that you experienced difficulties with your policy and like you we do not like to part company with our customers unnecessarily (especially by Underwriters not covering new vehicles etc.) Your actual name/postcode would save time in tracing your policy and I would appreciate your details by return. Many thanks Tony Fehily Senior Partner