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Everything posted by sparkyspar

  1. sparkyspar

    Tax code help

    go to tax website dude you will find all the info on there:)
  2. quote :Just to clarify it for you, the box changes gear beacuse the driver asks it to in relation to how hard he presses the throttle pedal. And if you acheive kickdown midcorner,then you are doing it all wrong. yeh i discoverd that 4 weeks ago cost me 4 new rims doh:badidea:
  3. he he thought that comment might get a reaction:p
  4. hi all is it normal for my temp needle to reach half way in less than 2 mins after staring from cold ,normal driving too:)
  5. personally i now prefer the auto box two hands on the wheel when cornering at 100 seems to feel safer and more in control than one ,but maybe thats me..) and dont quote me on this but im sure i read someware that thers only about 2seconds differance between a stock auto and stock manual up to a 100 ,ok tt will make a diff tho..
  6. jesus mines n/a im 37 clear licence cost me £900.00 sky insurance eh
  7. wehay paid at last top tip to anyone changing credit cards ,do inform paypal as if u dont they do somethin dalled e-cheque and this takes 7 to 9 days to clear.not very good when u want to pay straightaway soz paul..
  8. yeh not just me then does any1 know how to keep a check on the threads:(
  9. oh ok then. have decided to spray it up in silva to c wat that looks like will do some pics as go along if all goes well ill post
  10. Wanted: Passenger side door mirror in silver & ashtray is silver & ashtray a new colour ?
  11. sat nav and snooper both on at same time will tell u every position that the police and vans and temporary speed traps are they have to register all the locations,you,d be suprised where they all are, and i dont agre with speeding in built up areas but like previous posts you dont buy a sports car to drive at the speed limits do you!
  12. sparkyspar

    Hello :)

    hi becks shelfs yours ,no charge just the postage pm me if you still want it! fitted sub just about stick to 10",(its a lot quicker)12 " doesnt realy want to fit into a soop boot if you can call it a boot:rolleyes: doddy
  13. sparkyspar

    Hello :)

    :)hi becks ...looks good in black;) check my garage to see wat halfords put on mine
  14. and me plz 1. Baldy 2. Sunny0781 3 sparkyspar
  15. hi phil from anutha phil .do it mate get a soop best thing eva bloody great fun too:devil:
  16. welcome dude , il like it
  17. sparkyspar

    Hello :)

    :thumbs:hia might av one spare next week if u can wait just got a sub and think its too big for boot so might aswell get rid of (shelf) to fit sub will know beta l8z
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