The Americans get all their gear because they are a country that it proud of itself and its armed forces (there is very little nation pride in Britain these days). They only train their soldiers for 2 months compared to our 7 months. They train so little because they have everything they need. As they see it, whats the point training for so long when they can just send some machine to do a job. Wars are won by the soldiers not machines but tell them that. I think if we gave our guys everything the government would cut our training to 2 months or so also.
People who are proud of their forces here are getting smaller and smaller as the years go past, now we take in imigrants who chant and try to break up homecoming parades etc. This country will only get worse before it gets better. The groups who chant these things will get bigger and bigger unless something is done to stop them. Sure Britain has always been a country proud of its mixed nationalities BUT we should be less tolerant to these idiots and if they dont like it then they should go back to their own country, if its a British person then take everything off them the government has ever gave them including their home, they are quite happy to live off handouts from our government but not agree with the decisions they make then they should realise how good they have things living here.