Just Back from Dave McCanns , Dublin Ireland
Lance Setup
* Camber - 1.0 degrees
* Caster + 5.0 degrees
* Toe 0.00 mm
* Camber -1.5 degrees
* Toe in (total) 1.00 mm
•3hrs on the ramp
• Wallet is 75 euro lighter
•Rear setup went all good,
•Front not so good:
1. Front Drivers Camber is still 1 Degree Out , the bolt was turning but at a certain degree it was not adjusting out any further
( we think the weight of the car was preventing the Wheel from going out)
He siad he doenst have time to work on her any more but thinks if we jack the car up and put the wheel to the max camber we can bring her in on the ramp
2. Front Passenger Camber is 10 minutes out
I was told with the centric bolts used on Toyota's and Mazda's, you cannot get it perfect plus most cars going around are out here and there. (Dont know how true this is??)
I am not too impressed by the last statement, I know Center of Gravity in the UK (http://www.centergravity.co.uk/) has done numerous UK Supra's with no issues?
He said I need to call back so he has more time to work on her; Even in the current state the car feels so much better, stable, really wants me to push her in cornors ; I would feel alot more confident in her now.
I got the last setup done by Blakes Cross @ 80 euro and 10-15 mins on the ramp; looking at the settings before Jamie touched her they where all over the place. She chewed my last set of front very badly on the inner edge.
Any advice welcome, The Supra can go to 2 degress 80 mins / 3 camber on Stock arms as far as I know , is it a good approach to take?
Jack the car up and put the wheel to the max camber we can bring her in on the ramp; (She comes in very easy on the ramp)
Or go somewhere else ?