Come Wednesday It is not a matter of getting some vascile it how much do I need!
Proposals for another VAT increase here, up to 24/25% + but the EU stepped in and said Brussels cannot dictate a VAT increase. But no minister has commented it was not increasing again! More UK shopping for me!
Heard we have an off license tax coming, anything with a bottled cap will be taxed further; unless you get a pint in the pub! But at close to 6 euro a pint and over 6 euro after 2230; I can see everybody cutting down.
Looks like everything is going up here for PAYE to Universal Social Charge, plus the addition of Water charges, Property tax, communications Tax plus I fear that they will get rid of declaring your car off the road. Plus VRT (Vehicle Registration tax) is increasing
Rumour is if your car is registered it has to be taxed, only way out is to either scrap it or sell it over sea's(de-register it). In theory you could have a car registered here but it might be sitting up with no engine in her and you will still have to tax it!
Outlawing cars , especially performance cars!
Registration Plate Change
From next year, there will be two distinct registration periods. Cars bought and registered between January and end-June will use the 131 number, while those purchased between July and December will use 132. The system works around fears about the superstitions people hold about the number 13 but SIMI also hopes it will spread car sales more evenly across the whole year.
"superstitions people hold about the number 13", not heard such crap!