Thats Crap stuff , HD Wax is relatively cheap but $$ if you get it in Halfords ; I have my tub over 2 years now and about fraction into it. I use it every 2 months , it is very hard wearing and the finish is excellent. I have yet to come across a better wax, with regards durability, shine, ease of application
I get it for 45 euro, you get 2 applicator pads and a buffing cloth
I have used alot of waxes , even my mates Zymol 3K sterling per 300ml lol
If you want to go cheaper get some Chemical guys Black light / or Jet seal 109 (Jet seal will return a more duller appearance than black light but is a better sealant); Just because Chemical guys can be cheaper , it does not meant it is bad stuff, It is just as good if not better
If I really want the car to pop, I would use chemical guys black light and V7 Hybrid , as you see in the Pics below
For value for money and ease of application plus quality of products Chemical Guys is fairly hard to beat but Auto glym SRP (super resin polish) And HD wax are two of the best products out there
In between waxing I just V7 Hybrid to top up the sealant and shine on the car , regardless if I use Auto glym or Chemical guys products on her.
Auto Glym SRP (Super Resin Polish) is fantastic for filling in swirls in your cars paint work
If you go to the bother of waxing the car , dont forget to use a wax safe shampoo when you wash your car next, if you are using the local garage shampoo, you will more than likely strip the wax. It is a very strong detergent watered down, I remember one of the garages forgot to water it down and it stripped the paint, imagine what that will do to you nicely waxed car
Zymol , auto Glym Body shampoo are some examples of wax safe shampoo's
Chemical guys Black light & V7 Hybrid
Auto Glym SRP (Super Resin Polish) & HD Wax