Got mine done
Repo steps
Make sure the window seats as far back against the wall of the door card (Pic one) ,Undo the 3 bolts on the regulator and push the window towards the rear of the car, loosely hand tighten bolts (Pic 2)
Fully close the window, measure it is seated close to the rear quarter window compared to the opposite window , just use you finger to get a rough measurement (mine was sitting too far forward in the regulator )
With the window fully closed , close the door, the top of the window should be encapsulated by the rubber around the door
If you window is seating too high it will crush the rubber , resulting in wind noise
You need to adjust the bump stops , front and rear; to lower or higher your window.
As a reference I used the opposite window , fully closed , with my finger I tried to guage how far the window was up into the rubber , gives you a good reference point to test the window is seating correctly
Adjust the bump stops if you need to , mine was up too high crushing the rubber , some small adjustments and visual/finger comparisons to the opposite window , the rubber looks to be encapsulating the window as it should
**my biggest error was not having the window seated correctly in the first place against the wall of the door card
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3 -- Bump stop Adj