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Everything posted by bondinho

  1. Hi all, Has anyone got a good condition standard spoiler in red (3L2 I believe) that they don't need anymore? Preferably in Bath/Bristol vicinity unless you will post Ed
  2. Anyone on here? I spotted you parked up the other day just around the corner from where I live, keep your eye out for a red J-spec on your travels!
  3. I ended up having a locksmith guy come out and while he was cutting me a key from the lock, the people who live behind where I park my car came strolling out (having seen me manically searching my car all day looking very pissed off) asking if I'd lost anything while dangling my car keys in their hand Their son had supposedly picked them up in the morning (even though I'd been out there at 730am looking for them and their house was still all dark with no one awake!). I personally think they found them last night and just kept hold of them to worry me overnight beause I had issues with them a year or so ago over them using my parking space. At least they turned up in the end I guess, and it only cost me £45 for the other key that was cut so not too big a deal. Just a waste of a day when I could have been sorting out my leaking brake pipe Nevermind, all sorted now.
  4. From previous posts on here locksmiths have come out and cut keys from the lock, which is what various websites say too but Bristolian locksmoths aren't interested for some reason! I've tried Toyota and not had any luck there either, don't want to know due to it being an import.
  5. Cheers mate, I'll try a few alarm places later but I think I'll be able to get someone to replace the Sigma immobiliser with a new one in the worst case scenario. I'm now more worried about the key, I've phoned a couple of locksmiths and they won't touch it without the key code which is a bit annoying
  6. I've found two codes that might be the codes for the Toyota key, one is on the ignition barrel which looks like the product info for the barrel (nnnnn-nn-n format) and the other is a 4 digit code on the glove box lock, is this the correct one? I've tried to look at the drivers side lock barrel but it is impossible to see anything and I don't know how to get the lock off. Anyone able to advise me on whether either of the above codes are what I need please? I'm kind of desperate...
  7. After finding a leaking brake pipe yesterday after working on the car, I've managed to lose my only key and immobiliser fob What sort of money is this going to cost me to get it sorted? I stupidly left the car open all night so I can in and out of it to get any info. I've read on here I can find a key code or something to get a locksmith to cut me another key - where abouts is this code? But what can I do about my Sigma M800 immobiliser? Can't find anything on the net about Sigmas really, no official website which is great. How much does it cost to remove an immobiliser or is it an easy job?! I'm so pissed off right now Had a shitty couple of days.
  8. Afternoon all. Quick question, is replacing the passenger side hard brake pipe an easy job? It looks relatively simple, i.e. Disconnect from the flexi pipe and then unclip it along the back of the engine bay and unscrew from brake cylinder. Am I missing something or will it be (hopefully) as simple as that? Mine is leaking at the point where it joins the flexi pipe. Not good, Toyota have quoted over a week for the pipe to come in Cheers.
  9. If Homer doesn't take it all, how much for just the rear calipers and pads (if there is any life left in them)? And I'd need them posted to Bristol. I think if you do a big box and send via Royal Mail standard parcels it should be relatively cheap - £10 or £15 maybe.
  10. Rear calipers for an NA? Preferably the lowest mileage ones you have
  11. I'm still after a pair of rear calipers if anyone has any for sale??
  12. Cheers guys - rather just replace both rear calipers to be honest. I'll check ebay when home, and the link to cheaper braided lines would be much appreciated.
  13. Hi all, Anyone got a set of brake lines for sale or know the cheapest place to buy these from? Also looking for rear calipers for an NA in good condition if anyone has a cheapish pair for sale?! Thanks.
  14. I'm interested in this too if still for sale - obviously I'll wait at the back of the line though!!
  15. How much for 1 set of the rear calipers?
  16. I'l have a set if you get anymore in please. PM me if you do
  17. Yeah, I've got a bit on mine there.
  18. I'll phone the Bath toyota dealer tomorrow to see how much it is, was hoping for a 2nd hand one for a fiver-ish!
  19. Hi all, Has anyone got a spare connector that clamps on to the positive terminal? Mine won't actually grip it tightly enough. Picture of what I mean is here Cheers.
  20. I get about 20mpg out of my NA, I've just fitted new O2 sensors and the consumption hasn't improved at all. My car has done 120K miles, and the sensors I removed looked pretty old, bit disappointed there isn't any noticeable improvement but nevermind
  21. Did mine on Sunday and they came straight out no problem I even used two of the original ones to re-fit them as Toyota only ordered me 2 new screws
  22. I was going to try the ECU reset this weekend, hopefully that will sort the idle. Maybe the petrol consumption will pick up after that too Cheers Nic.
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