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Everything posted by Kiunno

  1. Thanks for the invite guys but I'm afraid I'll be in the Bahamas at the Miss Universe contest as my girlfriend Diana is in it.......... I wish . No I unfortunately am working, will look forward to the next invite.
  2. Kiunno

    Missing Relay

    Them virgins are in the post Garage Cheers guys I will dig further, if I get to the bottom of it will post my findings up . But feel free if anybody wants to add their bit of knowledge
  3. Are you sure it's not just a phishing e-mail, I remember getting something similar and I just ignored it.
  4. I got mine from Whifbitz, funny thing is though I ordered J-Spec discs all round for my J-Spec but when I took them out of the box I realised I had a J-Spec car with UK Spec Brakes ( nobody told me it had UK Spec ) so I had to send the whole lot back which was mucho hassle, unless your fully sure then I'd measure them before ordering might save u a load of messing. U should find measurements on a thread somewhere otherwise I'll post up some pics with measurements.
  5. Kiunno

    Missing Relay

    I have Traction Contol and ,pre-start the ABS light comes on and then goes off again, also I don't get any codes to tell me theres anything wrong with the TRAC or ABS, strange.
  6. Kiunno

    Missing Relay

    Cheers Kev, does that mean the J-Spec dosen't have Traction Control Motor or simply dosen't require a Trac Motor Relay, My Trac light is flashing at me and I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it.
  7. Kiunno

    Missing Relay

    Cheers guys, tell me does your Trac light on the Clocks flash at you the whole time, I'm just wondering if the reason my Trac lights flashin the whole time is that my ABS No.2 Fuse and TRAC Soleniod Relay are both missing.
  8. Is anyone else missing this relay? It's either TRAC SOL or ABS SOL..... Not sure which way the lid is supposed to be read but hey I'm sure you guys will know or He/She who can enlighten me will be hansomely rewarded with 16 virgins, 40 gold coins and....... ok if you can give me one, a fistful of dollars
  9. LoL, might be a blood line there somewhere
  10. I would agree with this, just had mine 4 wheel lazer re-aligned yesterday and man what a difference, now it really is on rails compared to before, and much more difficult to step out, cheapest option (and I would definitely say the very first option) for process of elimenation.You can get tyres after ur alignment.
  11. How about the gear knob panel and the stereo panel, would definitely be after them if they haven't been hacked to put in bits I wouldn't have, the Rad Fan impellor,and the ABS No.2 Fuse in Relay Box 2 under bonnet, money waiting.
  12. How did the Hamster die? He fell asleep at the wheel
  13. Paddy asks Murphy if he wants any ciggarettes when he goes on his holidays, aye says Murphy cheers Mate get me 200 Benson, 2 weeks later Paddy comes back home, sees Murphy in the pub and says I got ur fags u owe me 89.50 euro...... For fuck sake says Murphy where did you go on holiday..... Paddy says Wexford.
  14. Pissed Paddy was swerving wildly drom one side of the road to the other left,right,left,right... cops spotted him and pulled him over. "Paddy" says the cop "why the hell were ye swerving round the road back there?", "Jaysus occifer" he says "there was a tree in the middle of the road, then another, then another". "Paddy" says the cop "Thats your Air Freshener". Cop pulls over a man whose wife had fallen out of the car earlier. "Do you realise you lost your wife a mile back" the cop says. "Thank God" says yer man "I thought I was goin deaf"
  15. Good on ye Axle, I probably would have done the same bacause that cowardly sh#t makes my blood boil, the guy got his comeuppance anyway. Good. Here's my injuries and they will probably sound ridiculous but they're as true as I'm sitting here on the Bridge of the Starship Enterprise......... O.K. no they are true. 1 Fractured Scaphoid ( when I ran over my friends cat on my other friends Honda NS125F) 2. Scaphoid again ( after being horsed out of a disco by 4 Bouncers after hearing another friend had been badly injured in motorcycle accident and I went a bit silly ) 3. Scaphiod again (cant remember why) 4. Laceration of Thigh Muscle and Skin (crashed me VFR400 into a wooden elec' pole, anybody who was taping Young Guns on their video that night had their electricity cut by me ) 5. Smashed me right Femur after ditching my passengers Microlight onto the beach because of an engine failure got a GK Nail inserted, investigation report - http://www.aaiu.ie/AAIUviewitem.asp?id=3938&lang=ENG&loc=1280 6. Fractured right Malleolus (ankle) after crashin me beautiful MR2 into a pillar 6. Fractured left Tibia after playin football/rugby at 6 in the mornin in a back garden after a 21 birthday, fell into a hedge and fell asleep and wasn't found until the next morning. 7. Walkin home one night stepped into an open drain with my hands in my pockets bounced my face off a pebble dash wall, was able to breath without opening my mouth through a hole in my upper lip, went for an operation the next morning after telling none of my family and nearly died on the operating table after I took an allergy to the Gas Thiopentone. That's my lot havent' had anything serious in a few years now thank god. There is 1 or 2 more but we'll let them go.
  16. It's limited to about 185/190 kph alright Homer or should that be
  17. I feared someone would notice that The rest of the car is spotless.... Honest [OOPS][/OOPS]
  18. Begorrah it does indeed why on Earth is that there
  19. Whoo Hooo ! I finally learned how to post a picture Or have I Therfore can I throw a couple of things at yee Firstly I've read a thread about a missing ABS No.2 Fuse but didn't really get any definitive answers, does anybody know where I can get one of the, Toyota strangely seem to think they cant' get one. And secondly what is this guys? Is this a speed de-limiter, it appears to be disconnected, yellow and Green wires from it go nowhere and the red wire goes to a black/red wire which goes into ECM centre connector http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z19/Kiunno/S7300804.jpg It's from '95 J-Spec TT Anyway, any help I'd appreciate.
  20. Sweet, like the rims too
  21. Yep thats about right I tested mine 3 times and without boring you with figures ( I wouldn't know where they are anyway), I got between 19 and 21 mpg driving fairly conservatively in me TT
  22. God there's so much work I want to do my Supe, Big Brake Kit, Coilovers, Blitz BOV, Boost Controller, RLTC, FCD, Strut Braces,uprated SMIC Piping or should I just sell it and buy one with all this work done and more already ? Now have new Brake Discs, Pads and Goodridge Hoses, changed Diff Oil, G/Box Oil. Last set of back tyres only lasted 5200 Kms And thats after 4 wheel laser tracking! Is that normal?!
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