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Everything posted by scooby_doo_do
Looking at an auction site i'm a member of, and this has come up: 1985 Mazda RX7-2 2.3 litre sports car with black coachwork, MOT until 2.6.09, tax expires 10/08, approx 58,700 lady owner since 1987 Estimate range: £600 to £800 Can't find out any more information, but does that sound like a bargain? If so, i'm putting in a bid, as a second car.
I was told by my mechanic, that to build an ultima from new parts will cost about £60k, that excludes the paint and the engine and the 1000 hours to build. - Obviously i don't know how true that is as i bought a second hand one but it's still quite a cost. I think the second hand price of the ultima's won't reduce that much, but it'll be harder to find a buyer. At the end of the day i think there's only about 40 ultima spyders in the world, so if someone wants one, they'll pay the money. I've been out in mine today - it's great.. And the best thing about it is that even i can fix it as it's all so simple ;-). One set of Alan keys and you can dismantle it. lol. The engine is a 5.7 v8 chevy lump which chugs along nicely, creating it's own ozone layer ;-)
Have my old P1i kicking about now, so decided to sell it. Comes all boxed, in good condition for a phone that's 12 months old with a 512mb card. Looking for £100 +delivery £5. I'm going to stick it on ebay tommorrow/monday so thought i'd try here first, before an Nigerian tries to buy it for his uncle's step dad's brother. Many thanks Craig.
i'm 6"3 but becuase i opted for the spyder - no roof, it's not a problem. But i'd definatly agree with javansio and say you have to drive one...
i have a spyder, if you want me to take you for a spin.. I love it. So much fun and attention.... ok, i'm a tart...
thats outragous. Bet it's great fun in the wet :-)
601bhp! that's a little underpowered! lol
If you need a car to use as a demo, you more than welcome to pimp mine ;-) http://tripkings.co.uk/ultima/large/0015.jpg
My wife could also be the Stig, as she drive's with her eyes shut.
Out of focus pic, but one of my favourites, until i get a clear one.. http://tripkings.co.uk/ultima/large/0001.jpg On route to Le Mans.. http://tripkings.co.uk/ultima/large/0004.jpg
crash helmet on the roads... The ultima's got no roof, and alow windscreen, and even hitting a fly in your neck at 40 is enough to make you cry...
Just had a funny one.. Driving back from a freinds house in the ultima (Only second time i've driven it in the dark), the dash all lit up dark red, heater on, when i have two motorbikes pull up next to me at the lights to ask me if i was the stig. I wondered what they were going on about, then he pointed out i had a white crash lid on, and was wearing a white jumper. Oh well, made me chuckle, thinking how stupid i must of looked driving through town.. lol.
I'm looking at getting my exhaust tip's chromed and possibly the rest of the exhausts at the same time on my Ultima - Just wondering if it's something i can do myself if i buy a kit? Or if not, how much it would be to do, and how long does it take? I'm not too keen on sending them off, as sourcing parts for the car is a nightmare if they get lost! The exhaust tips i think are just held on by two alan keys (a bit like the rest of the car), and are are about twice as wide as a can of coke, and about 45cm longish i think. The rest of the exhaust is basically the lenghth of the engine so not that bad either. Some pics of them on here: http://www.tripkings.co.uk/ultima Many thanks Craig.
heres the Ultima: http://tripkings.co.uk/ultima/large/0011.jpg http://tripkings.co.uk/ultima/large/0008.jpg
Well i decided to write a quick review of all the car's i've had since i was 17.....(possibly because i've had a few drinks tonight!) 1997-1997: Fiesta 1.1 Pop Plus 1986 £1000: Good little car to start off with. Great on fuel, rubbish on rust. No airbags, no ABS, infact in didn't have a great deal going for it, other than being cheap to run, and not really an issue if you damaged it. As a first car, i accidentally drove it 14 miles one day with the handbrake on. - Only make that mistake once. 1997-1998: Astra 1.3GL 1985 £950: One of my favourite cars, i manged 45k in this in under a year. Didn't have many issues other than the clutch, driveshaft, rust, exhaust, petrol line - ok, more than a few problems. But still it was remarkably fast for a 1.3, and served it's purpose. It went even quicker when i added some go fast stripes. 1998-1998: Cavelier 1.8 1996 £3,500: Horrible, rust machine that cost me quite a bit in the first (and only) 3 months of owning it. It went well, but i felt like it should of been a rep mobile or a taxi. come to think of it, with 110k on the clock at purchase, it probably was. 1998-1999: Vectra 2.0 CDX 1998 £7,500: Every possible extra, this car was lovely. It had the fake walnut dash that set it off a treat and made it stand out from the rest. On a more serious note, this car was comfortable and cheap to run, apart from the cam shaft and crank shaft sensor that went wrong (£1000). Good runner only sold as purchased new car. 1999-2007: Supra TT J-spec 6sp 1993 £17,500: I loved this car. I spent the equivalent of a morgage on it over 8 years, but was rediculously quick and i knew it. I learnt early on to respect the power, and having driven it in every consievable weather condition knew how to drive it. Why did i sell this again to someone in Sweeden? It handled well, and was by far the quickest thing in a straight line. 2007-2007: Evo FQ-320 2003 £14,500: I hated this car. Cost me £600 a week for 2 months. Don't get me wrong, this was great in in the wet and round roundabouts, but it was just so boring. Everything was done for you. After driving a rear wheel drive car for 8 years and jumping in this, was just a bore. It needed looking after more than a baby, serviceing, tyres, yaw fluid, bla bla bla. hated it, and wouldn't ever buy another unless i lived in Norway, in the winter. Parts very expensive 2007-2008: TVR Cerbera 4.2 v8 1997: I was never too sure on this car, i mean it went well, and pulled like a train. A completly different kind of power over turbo'd car's. the only downside was that every time i drove it, i wasn't too sure if it was it's last. It was a handfull in the wet, but only if you wanted it to be. It wasn't a car that you could just jump in either, you had to check the water/oil and prey it would start. When everything is working, it was fantastic. Parts expensivo. 2008-Current: Ultima Spyder 5.7 v8 1998: it has no roof=you get wet (only under 25mph, prooved). Fantastic looking car, and awsome handling. Brakes not as good as previous cars, and power doesn't seem as refined as the supra/evo. Gear changes aren't as quick due to the sometimes glitchy gearbox selector. This car though would out handle the others i'm sure, but it is very wide, and personnaly i don't think it's as quick as the supra/evo, but i'm still only getting use to it.... Very easy to work on, even for a novice, and parts fairly cheap. Well there you go, just my opinion on the car's i've had. Now i'm 28, and getting married next year. So the Ultima is the last car i'm allowed :-( for the meantime... Anyone else have any other reviews? Craig.
i bought it.. Going to test it out in the ultima tommorrow weather dependant - and if i can get out of chelmsford with all this V-Fest traffic.
I've got a honey bee CP2, 6ch.. However it came out the box, and then went a little crazy becuase i hit the wrong button. I grabbed hold of it just as it took off, and it's not been airbourne since. I've changed the main shaft, bought new servo's and a few other bits. Bought the screwdriver set, training kit, roter degree thingy and the flight sim with usb controller (i'm really goo at that) - however, can i get it airbourne..... Can i chuff.. It just spins round on the floor. Total flying time, less than one minute, now it's in the loft.
hmmm.. Ram Kebabs....
I live 20 minutes walk away, but not bought a ticket yet :-(
Well I was out today polishing the chrome bits under the hood of my ultima, and after about 2 hours of trying to clean the bloody bits they still looked streaky etc.. So... I was using the carb cleaner on the holley carb, and i accidentaly sprayed it on the rocker cover. To my amazement, after a quick wipe, it was the best finish i'm yet to find. So from now on, carb cleaner all the way.... I'm pretty sure it's not going to do any harm to anything, just so long as i don't light a match. I haven't found a way of cleaning the exhaust wrap yet.. That's a bugger.
I've got a holley 4 pot carb on the ultima, just thought i'd give it a clean and noticed when i was running the car only 2 pots seem to be flowing petrol. Are all 4 suppose to? or do the other 2 come on higher up on the revs? Or does it all need adjusting.? Thanks Craig.
right, i'm useless at all things that envolve a football. But once again, i've enterered the Sun's dreamteam in a hope to become better than last. This is my choice so far. Anyone have any recomendations apart from scrapping the lot? Brad Friedel Blackburn Goalkeeper £4.00M Brede Hangeland Fulham Defender £1.50M Michael Turner Hull City Defender £1.00M Sylvain Distin Portsmouth Defender £5.00M Nyron Nosworthy Sunderland Defender £2.50M Luis Valencia Wigan Midfielder £3.50M Frank Lampard Chelsea Midfielder £8.00M Steven Pienaar Everton Midfielder £3.00M Dimitar Berbatov Tottenham Forward £7.50M Fernando Torres Liverpool Forward £8.50M Carlos Tevez Manchester United Forward £5.50M
Searingly rapid Ultima twin turbo Lexus V 8 engined!
scooby_doo_do replied to and1c's topic in Off Topic
that makes my ultima spyder look like a fiesta. I want it. -
I was so nervous for mine and decided i couldn't do it on my own.. Well kid of. So i started off with telling everyone how happy i was to be the best man, however before i start i need some time to get my props together, so in the mean time i'd like to play a little game. Can everyone please rise... From here i then asked various questions, eg, if your taller than the person to the right please sit down. etc.. Until i was left with just the groom and the usher. Then i said... "if you've wet the bed in the last five years more than once can you sit down" - both the usher and the groom sat down. followed by, if you've wet the bed in the last five years more than twice can you please stand up" at this point the groom stood back up on his own to everyone's laughter. After that, the rest just fell into place and i felt fine. Hope that helps you :-)
I've got the pandora battery, but i've when i run thr programs nothing happens - I'v looking on some forums and they say you can't run the software with Vista, and you need an xp machine :-( If you know of one that work with vista let me know ;-)