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The mkiv Supra Owners Club


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Everything posted by supersizejim

  1. [ATTACH=CONFIG]205025[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]205026[/ATTACH] - - - Updated - - - Before spray job.. And after.
  2. Keep thinking about letting mine go. JamieP knows me and my car. He can vouch for it's build and decent HP.
  3. The Ultimate Supra, without question! Just the right amount of power, and just the right amount of looks. 10/10. A one off bargain. GLWS man.
  4. I'm there fuck nuts!!! Lee your Datsun is gonna get a Supra sandwich!! WWooo
  5. 80% there.. They shoulda gone the extra mile to make a nice snug finish. Shame really. Looks nasty as is tho
  6. Yeah I saw this one to. Very tidy indeed.. Running flappy paddles to.
  7. Well done on a true beauty of a purchase. Good luck with your new love. Enjoy your Supra days.
  8. Yes BMW man needs many many hours @ a field in the middle of nowhere to learn what control is! Real Helmet.
  9. Used Lag mostly. Also Limmiter Banging
  10. - - - Updated - - - This is my HKS TI
  11. The King of Supra Exhausts. End Of!
  12. Im greedy mate. Have about 8-9 map setting.. Got em all Chris, Anti Lag, Pops & Bangs maps and a couple of launch settings to. Also have some other crazy settings, all runing through the Syvecs. Love it!
  13. Gonna try make this one to
  14. Ended up a good night. Cheers for everyone who made it a good turn out.
  15. IMO 600-750hp is the power range you would ideally want. 98% of cars you will munch up. But more importantly, this is the happy medium between power and reliability. As long as you have a strong set up, you will have many, many miles of fun.. Without the "Oh shit its broke again" happening. Useable power is the most important thing. Its easy to get lost into the I need more power frame of mind. I suppose it is possible to have a reliable 1000+hp supra.. But I doubt its usable on the street every day?
  16. Love these.. I'm gonna have to get em when I get paid for sure.. Perfect finish mate, well done!
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