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Everything posted by supraspeed

  1. The amount of cash spent by everyone on here has prob out shadowed the cost of their car lol. i might be able to use some of the cash to save up for my project i'l be starting in few months.... its going to be an interesting year for this orange supe
  2. Once i give all the gear a good clean etc i'l post up some pics of it all. I'm interested in the price as well could exchange it for another N/A
  3. All you N/A owners take note wait a minute...i'm sure i had a turbo supe yesterday......
  4. OK...CALM DOWN PEOPLE lol. Just got car from whifbitz and MY GOD! what a difference! Car is a dream to drive! no rattles, no knocks, suspension is perfect! A lot slower though...i now feel for all N/A owners lol. Its reached a noise level i didn't realise existed tho now the turbo system has come off lol...a bit loud. Paul is going to send me a list of the parts he took off. All i can say at the moment that the system is a Blitz intercooler, HKS T04R turbo, some old school HKS wastegate, stainless manifold but cracked so will need repairing. Paul says its worth a lot though and the turbo can reach up to 600bhp so not bad turn up really lol. i have had a few PM's about this kit so when i find out the parts list i'l post it on here. BIG THANKS TO PAUL AND EVERYONE AT WHIFBITZ FOR DOING A CRACKING JOB
  5. yeah lol. things like this always comes up when i'm skint
  6. whifbitz do them i think, last time i looked. nice in carbon fibre as well
  7. Massive change of plans!!! Paul took it out today and suprise suprise...needs a new Emanage box and re-map as its running super rich. so had a long chat with Paul and we ended up basically saying it would need a lot of cash spent if i was to try and get it all right with the turbo,mapping,etc. Sooooo.... i'm keepiing the car, but Pauls going to change it back into an N/A for now so at least i wont have to worry about destroying anything with over fueling etc (and i can't afford the remap and emanage). Over the next year i'm going to save up enough cash to afford a TT engine swap, and either a big single setup or a BPU Twin turbo. the turbo system on mine is a custom made job so i'l sell or get rid of that and start a fresh with a new project with decent parts going to be an exciting year
  8. Oh i agree completely about my errattic ideas lol. I can no way afford anything for a long time so gives me a chance to reflect on what i want to do and i'm sure Paul will give me the advice i need. Just want to get the car sorted first then throw some ideas around and see which is the best for me and the car. cheers for the concern though
  9. Now looking into it i see a project coming on.....this could be really fun. anybody know how much power an autobox can take?
  10. well now i'm getting a newish reliable car as my daily drive it means i can spend my time perfecting the supe i dont know what i'd like to do with it though. i'l drive it for a while on the setup and see if its any better with new suspension etc. was thinking bout changing to an auto box as then i dont have to worry about an expensive 6 speed. Other things in my mind... big single with at least 500bhp as its already got many single bits already installed. or throw in a tt engine and turbos and go bpu. just wondering if big power (500bhp+) will make the car undriveable as i want to have some fun in it rather be holding on for dear life. the slow spool puts me off a bit but i like the idea of massive power
  11. Another day, another nervously awaited phonecall. good and bad news. good news (so far) is that they took my car for a spin but when testing the afr the weather turned against them and had to abandon a full test. They said it might be running a tad rich (can be solved/run fine with v-power etc) but nothing other than that it seemed to run fine so a full test hopefully tomorrow if the weather isn't bad but looking ok so far so saves me a £k. Bad news is that paul rekons its not likely to produce more than 350bhp as the turbo doesn't look big enough, but without dynoing it we wont know. i was sold it saying 400-450bhp so ive always believed it to be around the 400bhp mark at least....feels like it any way lol. paul didnt get a chance to floor it in the test so might be able to guesstimate it tomorrow. he said the gearbox would be able to take the power but ive already destroyed 2 w58 boxes so somethings not right???? also i'm getting another car soon but now not sure wether to keep this one as a project as ive spent loads already. too many questions to answer lol
  12. cheers. i just hope they dont find anything else...
  13. i would like to do something with the car but my situation at work and a few other things have changed so i really do need to sell it and get something sensible for a while.
  14. somebody whos looking for a project car or a chav who doesn't know better but seriously i think once everything is sorted out i might get some attention. people do gearbox conversions all the time and might work out cheeper this way
  15. Ok, just off the phone and paul has sorted out the dials, suspension arms, bushes, fuel guage and few other minor bits. Now tomorrow is the make or break day when they test the AFR... this could either mean maybe a set of new plugs...or £1000 for a new emanage system and setup. bit worried now to say the least...... Also, is it possible to turn down the boost on a single to a level it wont destroy a W58 box under full throttle?
  16. cheers but i just want to start again with a new car. plus i like the idea of a different colour now....orange is a bit "look at me, look at me!"
  17. was thinking of that but would prob cost a fair bit to do as i wouldn't be able to do it myself
  18. to be honest ive had enough with this car and just want to get a normal bpu supe. just too much to go wrong with this single and i'm not going to be able to keep putting my hand in my pocket for much longer the way work is going at the moment. after i sell this i'm laying off the fast cars for a bit so i'l be able to afford a really nice example after saving a bit longer.
  19. no 6 speed box unfortunatly. 3rd gear fun ends in a small explosion on a w58
  20. well so far i'm already looking at £200 for a arm and prob a few hundred for the extra bits and bobs. no idea how much for the labour etc. big £££ will be if i need to replace the hks box.....god i hope not.
  21. my dad dropped it in so havent even been there yet. my dad said there were some really nice motors there though....think he's jelous i'l be probably be selling my car for around the 3k mark i suppose as its going to be a pain to get rid of in this market. plus its more of a project car in my eyes as it prob needs a 6 spd putting in at some point to deal with the power. might throw it on ebay and see if anyone bites first though.
  22. thats the boot leak lol. arial and tiny split in rubber. easy fix. suspension i'm not sure about yet. depends how much other bits cost first. i'm selling the car as soon as it comes out so dont wanna spend too much on it. just enough so its in a sellable condition. ive never been there when its been up on ramps
  23. Ok just got a phone call from whifbitz as ive dropped in my car this morning. so far: Headlights beam now fixed (was on the piss badly b4) need new upper arm need new bushes need new air filter i found out that: has front tein suspension and blistein on the back??? turbo is a custom made system (unknown spec) the hks goldbox will prob have to be ripped out and replaced if the fueling is out (cannot be re-mapped) found out whats causing boot leaking going to check air/fuel ratio tomorrow and sort out few other minor bits. Now its going to be the expensive part me thinks after tomorrow
  24. if you polish/chrome it you will have an incredibly annoying reflection off the windows or anywhere the light bounces off it. personally i think matt black is the best for cages unless its a show job and not for the track
  25. goes in tomorrow morning...i'l be waiting for the phone call and laughing i the background
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