Well i did state it has come off my N/A. I took off the kit because i'm selling the car and would get more money for the kit seperatly than on the car. my car's 5 speed couldn't cope with the power and shredded 2 w58 boxes both in a matter of weeks and i didn't want to spend £££ on a 6spd box and whole conversion cost. Turbo was a bit laggy yes, but i never got round to attempting a re-map or boost increase as the box would have gone again. Yes i agree about the other parts you listed but i wouldn't consider these to be part of a turbo kit, maybe extras needed for a better setup but this was all the neccesary parts off my car (except the mapping program) which ran fine. So its up to the bidder really to decide if they are happy with this system, plus anyone who knows what they are doing will have already have other uprated parts ie fuel pump. i'm not trying to stitch anyone up by any means but this is what came off mine so i can't really quote for any other part. But thanks for flagging this up as i dont want any repecussions